International Language Partners

The Collegiate

Staff Contact:Ms. Kristine Khan

Description: The Collegiate International Program is seeking student volunteers for the Collegiate Language Partner Program for our international students. The idea of the program is to ‘make a friend, and be a friend’ with an international student, and most importantly to help encourage our international students to practice English and gain the confidence to speak English with others.

Our international students come from varying countries around the world – including China, Vietnam, Nigeria, Ukraine, UAE, Philippines, Columbia, India, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the Caribbean!

As a language partner, you will be encouraged to meet with your partner during scheduled ‘Language Partner Lunches’, after classes or you may even have a class with them. This would be an arrangement between you and your partner, and there will be no mandatory time commitment. We will also provide one social event/activity every month that you and your language partner can attend together.
