
雷琳·德·卢卡(Rayleen de Luca)

雷琳·德·卢卡(Rayleen de Luca)



As a clinical psychologist, as well as mother and grandmother, Dr. Rayleen De Luca (BA (Hons.) ’79) knows what it takes to raise a healthy, happy child—and what happens when a child’s needs aren’t met and a relationship of trust is broken.

她的工作是帮助修复损失,并准备下一代心理学家做同样的事情。“我觉得自己很有天赋,我能够成为一名教授并与年轻人一起工作,”在曼尼托巴大学教心理学的de Luca说。“但是,看到在生活中经历挑战的孩子能够克服他们并保持韧性的想法是所有人中最令人满意的。”

德·卢卡(De Luca)于1979年在Uwinnipeg开始学习时已经是父母自己,从一开始就知道她想跟随她对与孩子一起工作的热情。罗恩·诺顿(Ron Norton),哈里·斯特鲁布(Harry Strub),伊芙琳·舍弗(Evelyn Schaeffer)和其他人的研究促进了她对心理学的迷恋,并帮助她找到了自己现在发现如此充实的职业的方式。“我的许多教授都是如此出色的榜样,”德·卢卡(De Luca)说,他一直与许多人保持联系。

In addition to her research, which covers the spectrum of trauma that can occur to children, De Luca is also much sought after as workshop lecturer, including presentations on such timely issues as divorcee and children, fetal alcohol syndrome, children’s responses to terrorist attacks, and the warning signs of youth violence. Recently, De Luca was part of a delegation from the Catholic Women’s League that brought the issues of child safety, poverty, and human trafficking before the Prime Minister of Canada. “It was an incredible opportunity to take my research and have it help in a social policy kind of way,” says De Luca.

协会主席Jason Pusiewich说:“校友协会很自豪地将雷琳(Rayleen)作为我们校友家庭的一部分。”“她的成就清单非常出色 - 从学术和专业工作到社区精神和个人领导才能,她在各个方面都留下了自己的印记。”亚愽娱乐app对于她的许多贡献(教学,研究,咨询以及她对社区的持续贡献),温尼伯大学很荣幸今天向雷琳·德·卢卡(Rayleen de Luca)博士颁发了今天的杰出校友奖。亚愽国际app下载亚愽娱乐app