
The University of Winnipeg Archives accepts donations that meet its collection mandate, which include University departments and organizations; the University’s faculty and researchers; alumni of the University and its antecedent colleges; community or activist organizations, especially those related to Winnipeg’s Downtown and West End neighbourhoods; and Indigenous organizations and individuals, such as the materials comprising our Two-Spirit Archives.

If you wish to make a donation to the University of Winnipeg Archives, please send an email toarchives@uwinnipeg.caor call 204-786-9162. The University Archivist will discuss the donation with you, arrange to appraise the condition and content of the records, and arrange for its transport to the Archives should it be accepted for donation.

The final step for the donor is to sign a deed of gift. This document transfers ownership to the Archives and establishes any limitations on use and access that the donor might wish to impose.

Archives staff will process and store the donation according to archival standards. If any material is deemed not suitable to retain, it will be offered back to the donor.

请注意,由于存储空间的限制,the Archives is currently very selective in the records it can acquire and does not have the capacity at present to accept voluminous donations.
