University records and history


The University of Winnipeg was incorporated in 1967, although its history goes back to Manitoba College, founded 1871, and Wesley College, founded 1888, which merged as United College in 1938. The records from the University and its founding colleges document their administration and institutional life and that of its various committees, departments, and faculties.

The City Is Our Campuson Google Arts and Culture

University of Winnipeg history timeline

Vox, 1897-1949, the yearbook of Wesley College and United College

(in)edition1983-2002, the University's newsletter

Digitized campus film footageon Youtube

University of Winnipeg collectionin the WCPI


亚愽国际app下载web collection on Archive-It

University history resources

Bedford, A.G.The University of Winnipeg Volume I: A History of the Founding Colleges(2nd ed). Winnipeg: University of Winnipeg Press, 2009.

Bedford. A.G.The University of Winnipeg Volume II: The First Forty Years (1967-2007).Winnipeg: University of Winnipeg Press, 2007.
