Claudine Majzels

Claudine MajzelsTitle:Senior Scholar

Teaching Areas:
Pieter Brueghel the Elder; Feminist Theory; Infrared Spectroscopy.


“Visual Perception in a Painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder: ‘The Man with Three Feet’ in the Peasant Wedding Feast’’’, Revue d’art Canadien/Canadian Art Review (RACAR) XXVII, 1-2 (2000), 46-58.

“妇女和17世纪荷兰门诺派教徒Art: A Feminist Analysis," Journal of Mennonite Studies 17 (1999) pp. 75-94.

"Une question de valeur: les femmes artistes au Manitoba avant 1950." Cahiers franco-canadiens de l'Ouest 10, 1 (1998) 91-126.

“Attas, M., E. Cloutis, C. Collins, D. Goltz, C. Majzels, J.R. Mansfield, and H.H. Mantsch, “Spectroscopic imaging in art conservation: A new tool for materials investigations,” Leonardo 37,4 (2003) 304, 307.

“Personal Reflections on Art and the Second Generation: Caroline Dukes, Esther Warkov and Eva Stubbs;”, in Afterimage: Evocations of the Holocaust in Contemporary Canadian Arts and Literature, Loren Lerner, ed., The Concordia University Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies (Montreal, 2002) 234-255.
