Marilou McPhedran.

Marsha Hanen奖卓越创造社区意识亚愽娱乐app

Marilou McPhedran.C.M,B.A.,LL.B.,LL.M.,LL.D。(荣誉函授)

Marilou a human rights lawyer and professor who serves as the founding Director of the Institute for International Women’s Rights at The University of Winnipeg Global College and on the boards of the community-based “sister” organization, Institute for International Women’s Rights – Manitoba, and of the Legal Help Centre, both of which she co-founded. Marilou led Global College in the launching of one of the world’s few undergraduate human rights majors and she continues to design and teach innovative, collaborative courses that integrate concepts of human security and human rights. She has worked with a wide range of stakeholders, including agencies in the United Nations, the University for Peace in Costa Rica, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, Rotary World Peace Partners, Women for Women South Sudan, and numerous other organizations.

通过系统改造法律,医学,教育和政府的侵犯人权侵犯人权的先驱 - 她将她的工作描述为实现“基于证据的宣传”,以实现“住人的权利”。上个月,作为院长关于安大略省患者的性虐待的工作队的主席,她在“生态人权框架”中提供了大胆的建议。

她的荣誉包括加拿大的秩序,以便承认她在加拿大宪法中更强大的性别平等保护,以及温尼伯大学母校的荣誉博士学位。亚愽国际app下载名叫加拿大十大最有影响力的妇女权利倡导者家庭主妇杂志和B'nai Brith女性的一年的女人也是女王的禧年和钻石禧奖牌的收件人。在过去的一年里,她在穆斯林妇女加拿大妇女委员会的“妇女”中,由Osgoode Hall法学院颁发了“通过法律社会正义的Dianne Martin奖章”,并命名为“获得司法冠军”法律时间。

温尼伯大亚愽国际app下载学荣获Marilou McPhedran与Marsha Hanen奖,卓越促进了社区意识,为她的卓越和长期贡献建立关怀和仅限社会。亚愽娱乐app

照片©Austin Grabish
