




1969年,约翰·布勒(John Buhler)购买了莫登(Morden)的标准燃气发动机工程,并更名为IT Farm King Limited。这是创建一个农业设备帝国的第一步,该帝国于1994年被合并为Buhler Industries,后来又加入了拖拉机制造工厂的多功能,实现了Buhler的终身建筑拖拉机梦想。

邦妮·布勒(Bonnie Buhler)出生于不列颠哥伦比亚省,并于12岁搬到温尼伯(Winnipeg)。她在开尔文高中(Kelvin High School)上学,然后在曼尼托巴(Manitoba)电话系统(Manitoba Teponal Systems)担任第一份工作,后来担任法律秘书。她还担任Buhler Industries的特别活动协调员。

2007年,约翰退休,担任班勒工业公司(Buhler Industries)的董事长兼首席执行官,他和邦妮(Bonnie)选择与他人分享的财富。邦妮(Bonnie)被诊断出患有困难的医疗状况后,邦妮(Bonnie)被迫帮助改善医疗机构。最终,他们的捐赠扩展到包括教育项目。也是。总的来说,Buhlers提供了超过6000万美元的慈善礼物,除了经济支持外,还选择了应有的时间和热情的慈善事业。

John has received many honours during his career, including “Manitoba Entrepreneur of the Year” in 1998, the Queen’s Jubilee Medal for community service in 2002, an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Manitoba in 2011, and the Order of Canada in 2012. Bonnie Buhler was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012, and in 2007 together the couple was honoured with the Variety Gold Heart Humanitarian of the Year Award.

The legacy the Buhlers have created with their generosity now includes The Buhler Gallery at St. Boniface Hospital, The Buhler Cancer Centre at Victoria Hospital, the Buhler Reflective Gardens at St. Amant Centre, the Buhler Welcome Centre at the Manitoba Children’s Museum, and the Buhler Commons and John and Bonnie Buhler Library at Red River College.

2010年,一项重大捐款导致了Buhler中心在Portage Avenue和Colony Street的拐角处开设,该中心现在是Uwinnipeg商业和经济学院以及专业,应用的继续教育的所在地。捐赠的一部分用于建立约翰和邦妮·布勒知识基金,该基金每年为少数值得学生提供慷慨的奖学金和助学金。

