

Accessing the Online Award Application

How do I log in?

Go toApply for Awards页面,然后单击“应用在线”按钮,以重定向到应用程序网站。然后,单击“登录”,然后输入您的Uwinnipeg Webmail用户ID和密码。

笔记:Only students who have an active UWinnipeg webmail account and password will be able to access the online awards application. If you are a future student applying for entrance awards, you must first apply for Admissions to receive your student ID and set up your UWinnipeg email account.

麻烦登录?联系技术服务服务台servicedesk@uwinnipeg.cato reset UWinnipeg webmail user ID and password.

Can students in any UWinnipeg program apply (e.g., PACE, Joint programs, etc.)?

Check the categories below to see if the online award application is available to you:

Undergraduate: online awards are available to both part-time and full-time domestic undergraduate students and full-time international undergraduate students.
在线奖励不可接受访问ingstatus, including students in the精神病护理program. You should apply for the awards available from your home or degree-granting institution.

亚博网站网址(including Theology): online awards are available to both part-time and full-time domestic graduate students and full-time international graduate students.

专业,应用和继续教育(PACE): online awards are available to full-time domestic and international PACE students.

English Language Program (ELP): There are no awards available through the online award application at this time for ELP students. Visit theELP websitefor information on other funding programs that may be available.

UWinnipeg Collegiate:目前,没有通过在线奖励申请为Uwinnipeg Collegiate学生提供奖励。参观大学网站for information on how to apply for their funding programs.

What web browsers are supported?


  • Firefox Mozilla
  • Google Chrome
  • 苹果野生动物园
  • Microsoft Edge


Using the Online Award Application


After logging in, click on the "Applicant Record" button on the lower left side of the screen.




Yes, you can make changes to your application as long as it is before the application deadline. After the deadline, you cannot amend your application, and all assessments will be made based on what has been submitted.

How do I know what awards I'm eligible for?


Some awards will ask you to answer a specific set of questions. These awards will be visible to you as “Recommended Opportunities”. Other awards will automatically consider your application based on your student record and the information you enter. You will not see a list of these awards.

How do I maximize the number of awards I get matched to?


  1. 声明你的专业!如果您尚未正式宣布自己的专业,您将不会考虑部门或专业奖项。有关主要声明表和信息,请访问:www.ifrasturias.com/student-services/forms.html.
  2. 在注册期早期注册课程。有关注册信息,请访问:www.ifrasturias.com/accepted-Students.
  3. 请检查您的 @webmail.uwinnipeg.ca定期发送电子邮件并阅读所有内容。
  4. If applicable, declare your Indigenous ancestry to ensure you are considered for awards for Indigenous students. Form located here://www.ifrasturias.com/declare/.
  5. 有简历/c.v。准备就绪时提交。有关更多信息,请访问://www.ifrasturias.com/career-services/resume-cover-letter-assistance.html.
  6. Start drafting a personal statement outlining your off-campus skills, talents and experience. Many awards look for leadership, volunteerism, or involvement in arts, athletics and cultural activities.
  7. Identify 2-3 professional/academic contacts to be a reference for you, if required.
How are awards selected?

Recipients of competitive awards selected solely or primarily on academic performance are identified from the GPA and/or other objective data found in their student record.



You will be notified through your UWinnipeg webmail if you have been offered an award.



Answering Questions on the General Application


First generation student means neither of your parents or guardians have attended post-secondary studies (college or university). If your sibling has attended college or university, that’s okay. You’re still within the first generation of your family to attend post-secondary studies.



请注意,其他奖机会像the Louis Riel Bursaries, Business Council of Manitoba Aboriginal Education awards and other opportunities may require identification.





What if I have no "Monthly/Term Resources" to report?


如果您不确定如何回答资源问题,请联系awards@uwinnipeg.cafor guidance.

笔记: Be careful not to confuse this section with the "Expense Category" section that comes before. You will need to enter an amount, not just one or zero.

What if my living situation will change during the term?


For example: if you are living at home right now but will be moving out to live on your own for the rest of the term, you would select "Option 3: I am a single student living away from home, paying rent."

What should I include in my "Personal Statement"?

