
Bushwick Food Co-op

Bushwick Food Co-op

温尼伯大亚愽国际app下载学’s Busola Olaniyan interviewed Nick Farr, a member of the Bushwick Food Co-op in Brooklyn, as she was in New York to present at a Masters in Development Practice conference. Farr talks about the decision making process at the Bushwick Food Co-op.


Farr provided an example of when a freezer broke down, the sourcing committee went ahead and purchased a new $3000 one, as it is a vital part of day to day operations. If the store required massive renovations, this motion would have to go through several membership meetings before a final plan of action was established. A finance committee is in place to manage the fiscal operations and advise other committees as needed. Bushwick also has a board of directors who meet to insure the health and welfare of employees are addressed and that everything is up to code. It’s a system that involves trust, teamwork and respect for not only each other but the community they serve. At the end of the day each decision made, is made, with the communities best interests at its heart.


“By supporting local agriculture, I think if everyone knows how to farm their own food, they can figure out how to sustain themselves based on what is available. I think if everyone in the world did that, we would end one of those problems.” –Nick Farr’s response to the topic of poverty and food insecurity

布什威克出售的大部分东西都是有机种植的,这意味着没有转基因的生物(GMO)。该产品是由本地(Bushwick将本地定义为250英里之内)采购从新洋子地区的其他供应商采购的。布什威克将避免与任何有社会,环境或劳动问题的公司开展业务。除了其他许多食品合作社一样,除了食品灌木丛之外,还出售诸如天然绿色肥皂,防晒霜,可回收垃圾袋或椰子油基除臭剂等产品。他们试图使所有人都可以使用。While some food co-ops only sell to members, Bushwicks sells to non-members and prices are 75% markup (so if a tomatoes cost them $1 you’d pay $1.75) whereas if you’re a member you’d only pay 24% markup which is much less than what grocery stores charge.

Simply put Bushwick’s goal is more than just selling grass-fed beef or vegan friendly milk; its goal is to offer both its members and community a healthy and affordable locally sourced alternative to the standard fare that Grocery Stores offer.



Buskwick wasn’t a food co-op overnight; they originally started off as a Buy in Club where they’d meet once a month, this eventually led to them acquiring a store front, which was only open three days of the week. Currently the co-op is open 6 days a week (soon to be open every day) and has evolved to match the community needs both economically and socially. Bushwick is serves as a resource for community development; from small things such as a providing a meeting spot to larger issues like soliciting help for a social cause or requesting members to help in completing a project.

“我们没有在合作社和社区之间存在分界线的地步。亚愽娱乐app社区只是亚愽娱乐app将合作社用作另一种资源。”尼克·法尔(Nick Farr)参加了布什威克(Bushwick)参与。


“任何通过程序来找我们的人,我们都会说是的,如果我们有能力这样做。”- 尼克·法尔(Nick Farr)



“I enjoy meeting people that share my values, I enjoy when I have moments of satisfaction when I have accomplished a task, but they are kind of fleeting because when you accomplish something, there is always a next thing and there is a never ending series of next things”. –Nick Farr
