
25 Years

格伦·伯杰隆(Glen Bergeron)

Dr. Glen Bergeron

“博士格伦·伯杰隆(Glen Bergeron)在整个职业生涯中都担任体育疗法专业的冠军。从担任我们当地的诊所主任到加拿大奥林匹克队的首席治疗师,他已经涵盖了从基层到奥林匹克领奖台的范围。他是脑震荡教育和治疗的热情支持者,他还成功地举办了晚餐和体育纪念品拍卖,以筹集脑损伤协会的资金。从来没有一个人静止不动,您经常会发现他担任外部委员会主席,例如加拿大体育中心,真正的体育和其他人。他对改善体育体验的贡献是不可估量的。”- 运动机能学主席David Telles-Langdon博士

Ed Cloutis

Dr. Ed Cloutis

“Ed seemingl最大的优势是他的能力y do everything. He leads an astronomically successful research centre on campus, continues to teach and connect with his students and still takes time to support department operations, all without complaint. Ed is truly the reflection of what a Full Professor is and should be.” – Dr. Christopher Storie, Chair, Geography

柯克·道森(Kirk Dowson)

柯克·道森(Kirk Dowson)

“Working with Kirk has always been an adventure. His ability to make work a good space to be is always appreciated by the students, support staff, and the instructors.” – Jan Cox, Coordinator, ACCESS Education

“我很喜欢与柯克(Kirk)合作在访问计划中。在整个计划中,我都感谢他的指导和支持。当我第一次加入团队时,柯克(Kirk)是并且继续是我们计划的背景和历史的首选。他对访问计划的学生的承诺,对他们的需求的理解以及对我们学生的支持是典范。恭喜柯克。”- 彼得·比约恩(Peter Bjornson),访问教育讲师

“柯克是访问计划的非常有价值且有才华的学术顾问。在我们大多数WEC和CATEP毕业典礼上,他一直是仪式的主人,学生们享受了他聪明的机智和诚意。我想念他的意见和积极的态度。”- 菲尔·贝克(Phil Baker),教育教职员工

Joan Duesterdiek

Joan Duesterdiek

Joan’s commute to work is a lot shorter these days, due to the pandemic, but she did used to ride her motorcycle to campus every day! Another thing that has happened less, thanks to Covid, is the daily interaction with colleagues. When Joan is working in-person, she says “I really enjoy walking the hallways and seeing people I know and stopping to say ‘hi, how are things with you.’ That's one of the things I miss a lot… Your colleagues help define your time at a workplace. I've worked with so many people for a lot of years and became good friends. The best part is also, that when they retired, we still kept in touch. I hope when it’s my time to retire I will keep in touch with people that are still here.”




我不知道丹尼斯(Dennis)的家庭工作办公室是什么样的,但是校园前的校园里,他的工作空间就像一个暖水疗中心(几乎!)。If one were to pass by, and was lucky enough to capture a glimpse of the inside of Dennis’ cubicle, one would probably see: a man with a pensive expression (either solving complex problems or trying to find the meaning of life), munching on nutritious food, under the soft glow of a diode 'mood' lamp. Other times, he can be seen traveling about the office shoeless, in his socks!

在U的25年中,丹尼斯在压力很大的行业中成为禅宗战士。我们都希望实现丹尼斯的目标。”- 肖恩·科瓦尔(Sean Kowal),技术基础设施

Tanya McKay

Tanya McKay

“塔尼亚是该国最好的篮球教练之一,是一个同事的好人。她每天都会为办公室带来一项能量,并对温尼伯大学和韦斯曼大学产生了长期的积极影响。”亚愽国际app下载- 田径校长戴夫·克鲁克(Dave Crook)

Ortrud Oellermann

Dr. Ortrud Oellermann

“博士Ortrud Oellermannjoined the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in 1996. She completed a PhD at Western Michigan University, and previous degrees at the University of Natal. She held a position as a senior lecturer at the University of Natal prior to moving to Killarney, Manitoba in 1992 with her young family. While living in Killarney, she held an Adjunct position at Brandon University and was able to keep up with her research while caring for her young children, often stealing time to work on research problems after her children went to bed.

Ortrud’s research is in graph theory. She has held NSERC grants her entire career and is a prolific and internationally-recognized researcher, having published over 150 papers. In 2003, she was awarded the Erica and Arnold Rogers Research Award for Excellence in Research. Prior to that, she was awarded the Hall Medal of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, the Royal Society’s Meiring Naude Medal, and the South African Silver British Association Medal for the Advancement of Science.

当她在1996年加入大学,Ortrud was the only woman in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and remained so until I joined the department in 2003. For me personally, she has been a mentor and a role model. Indeed, she has touched the lives of many junior faculty members and students throughout her career and it is no surprise that she is a sought-after student supervisor. Over the years, she supervised more than 40 students and post-doctoral fellows and her former students are employed in various mathematical professions all over North America. 

Ortrud has taught many math courses, and many students have had the good fortune of learning graph theory and introductory proof techniques from her. She is known for her kindness and her dedication to students and for giving organized and detailed notes. She has also provided an exceptional amount of service and served as co-chair of Mathematics and Statistics for three years.

奥特鲁德(Ortrud)是一位杰出的同事,他总是渴望提供支持和支持。我非常感谢在温尼伯大学任职期间让她成为同事。亚愽国际app下载恭喜服务25年!”- 数学主席Anna Stokke博士

Peter Tran

Peter Tran

“Peter is simply amazing! Always there to help everyone, support his workmates, and give advice. We don't know what this year would have been like without Peter. He was essential to keeping us online and working. However, we could say that about him every year! Peter possess an amazing work ethic, ingenuity with all thing tech, and is simply brilliant. He manages to wrap all that around a kind smile and big heart. Thank you for the last 25 years Peter!” – Stevi Dram, Manager – Online Learning, Marketing & Business Systems, PACE

Roberto Urrea

Roberto Urrea

Even though he has worked in IT for twenty-five years, Roberto could not have foreseen that we would be answering phone calls on our watches! His time with the university has seen massive shifts in the technology he has been helping to keep running, with constant change and evolution. Being in this educational setting, Roberto notes that he learns something every single day, from the clients, students, faculty, and staff he spends his time interacting with. “I'm student for the rest of my life.”

Gisele Vizza

Gisele Vizza

“As someone who’s seen it all through her 25 years, Gisele embodies calm/cool/collected, even when dealing with applicants, parents, and counsellors who are stressed about the admissions process! She can convey a lot of meaning with just a look, and is always willing to help others handle tricky situations.

来自团队:吉赛尔是您需要解决问题时总是可以与之交谈的人,这使她成为国内招生团队的出色领导者!她充满了录取的知识和经验,她的幽默感使工作环境变得有趣。我们非常感谢Gisele为团队担任协调员所做的一切,并祝贺她服务了25年!”- Ashley Dunlop,学生招聘主任
