
Faculty of Science


科学学位可以为牙科,医学,验光或兽医医学的就业,研究生课程或专业研究打开大门。学生选择Faculty of Scienceat The University of Winnipeg for our small class sizes, award-winning professors, access to labs, research opportunities and reputation for excellence. The Faculty of Science offers unique and diverse programs that give you the opportunity to study innovative ideas, conduct research, hypothesize, and expand your understanding of the world.


Anthropologists study the evolution of humankind by examining how humans have developed and adapted, both culturally and physically, to the world around them. Anthropology specializes in cultural anthropology, archaeology or physical anthropology, or you may choose an integrated program that includes all three areas. Practical experience is also available through the Archaeological Field School.


Applied Computer Science

This program focuses on the theory and application of computing in business and scientific environments. Applied Computer Science combines core subjects and in-depth applied studies gives you the freedom to combine your interests in computing with other subjects of study and application.

Applied Computer Science Factsheet [PDF]|应用计算机科学网站


Combining aspects of anthropology with biological and physical sciences,Bioanthropology计划教您检查过去和现在的人类生物系统。当您获得当前实验室技术和程序的经验时,您将了解人类和灵长类动物进化中的比较解剖结构,细胞生物学以及方法。



This degree investigates living systems by combining the knowledge and methodologies of biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and microbiology with those of the physical sciences. A degree in Biochemistry will prepare you for work in various industries, or for admission to professional schools in the health sciences.

Biochemistry Factsheet [PDF]|BiochemistryWebsite



Biology Factsheet [PDF]|BiologyWebsite



化学Factsheet [PDF]|化学Website

Environmental Studies and Sciences

Are you interested in issues affecting our environment? Environmental Studies and Sciences combines many different perspectives to understand the changes in our environment, while acknowledging human impacts and providing a framework to develop solutions for environmental programs. You can choose your course of study from six different subject areas including Chemistry, Forest Ecology, Forest Policy and Management, Global Environmental Systems, Issues in Sustainability, and Urban Environments.

Environmental Studies and Sciences BSc Factsheet [PDF]|Environmental Studies BA Factsheet [PDF]|Environmental Studies and SciencesWebsite



Geography Factsheet [PDF]|地理网站

注意:地理信息系统(GIS)与RRC Polytech的联合计划已停止。


Studying Mathematics will develop your ability to work with numbers, shapes and figures, and to reason in a logical manner. Courses include algebra, statistics, calculus, combinatorics, discrete mathematics and more. You’ll have the opportunity to work with researchers to apply your skills and receive hands-on experience.

数学事实表[PDF]|数学and StatisticsWebsite

Neuroscience (formerly Biopsychology)

How do the brain and nervous system control behaviour? This program provides you with an understanding of the integrated relationship between biology and psychology. In Neuroscience, you’ll develop a strong understanding of the structure and function of the nervous system as you explore the relationship between the nervous system and behaviour.

Neuroscience Factsheet [PDF]|NeuroscienceWebsite


对自然最基本的研究为探索各个层面的现象提供了机会 - 从原子世界到宇宙的范围。在我们全国认可的物理部门中,您将研究钻石和半导体的性质,核的内部工作以及在诊断疾病中使用磁共振成像(MRI)。您会想象,推断和研究黑洞,热空间,混乱和量子重力的内部工作。

物理事实表[PDF]|Physics Website

Physics - Medical Physics

A stream of the Physics program at The University of Winnipeg, Medical Physics is the application of physics to medicine, such as in medical imaging and radiotherapy. This stream was developed in collaboration with CancerCare Manitoba. It is intended to prepare students to enter graduate school in Medical Physics.

Medical Physics Factsheet [PDF]|Physics Website

Physics - Computational Physics


计算物理学[PDF]|Physics Website

Psychiatric Nursing

如果您对个人,家庭,团体和社区的心理健康感兴趣,则可以选择通过Brandon University参加精神病护理学位课程。完成后,您将成为注册的精神病护士(RPN),并在政府,医疗机构,更正和社区服务中找到工作。亚愽娱乐app



辐射疗法涉及使用辐射治疗体内的癌细胞。该计划包括大量的实践培训和经验。它是与Cancercare Manitoba合作开发的。

放射治疗Factsheet [PDF]|曼尼托巴省Cancercare网站放射治疗学院



Statistics Factsheet [PDF]|数学and StatisticsWebsite
