
Meet Blake Carter - The Graduate Student Writing Mentor

站立反对书架的布莱克卡特研究生学院很高兴引入布莱克卡特亚博网站网址。在9月初的研究生方向期间,您可能会遇到Blake。Blake是英国文学研究生的MA,是新的研究生写作导师为2021 - 22年学年,他渴望和兴奋地开始。




我在Brock University在英国文学中的艺术计划硕士学位学习。我的研究兴趣主要围绕着投机小说和幻想和科幻文本与批判理论互动的方式。因此,我目前正致力于在N.K.Jemisin破碎的地球三部曲中完成我的论文。


作为撰写导师的研究生,我在这里为所有研究生提供写作支持。此支持可以采取个人写作会话(个人或在线)的形式,我们讨论了您可能拥有的任何写作分配。学生可以在写作过程的任何阶段免费预订其中一个辅导会话,无论您是否刚刚收到了一份研究文件,并希望开始计划,或者您是否有完整的论文,并希望最后一组眼睛审查它在提交之前。除了这一一对一的书面会议外,我还将通过放大专注于4个主题对成功的研究生写作经验至关重要的一系列写作技巧研讨会。在这些讲习班中,我将在从A到Z(9月24日,10:00-11:00)的研究过程中提供信息和资源,阅读和注释采取策略(10月6日,10:00-11:00AM)编写有效提案(10月29日,10:00-11:00)和综合写作:将二次来源纳入研究论文(11月12日,10:00-11:00 AM)。



What are your priorities going forward in this new role and what are you looking forward to the most?

秋季学期开始时,我的优先级as the Graduate Student Writing Mentor is to begin connecting with my peers here at the U of W. Graduate studies can be a highly rewarding experience filled with opportunities for both personal and academic growth, but if you're not careful, it can often become a rather solitary existence (a fact exacerbated by Covid-19 and the online learning that we have all been forced to adopt). Moving forward throughout the 2021-22 academic year, I hope that I am able to offer my assistance to all graduate students with any writing concerns that you may have. The simple act of reading through your work with another human being is surprisingly helpful to both your writing and your mental health, so please do not hesitate to reach out and chat about your writing. On a personal level, I also value the opportunity provided by writing tutoring to read through work from a variety of disciplines. I have always found the peer tutoring experience to be one that is mutually beneficial, so I am very excited to learn more about the research that you are all carrying out!




For more information regarding our Fall programming, please visit:秋季2021年研究生研讨会时间表
