The University of Winnipeg


Jaime Cidro

Dr. Jaime Cidro

Dr. Jaime Cidro is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology, the Director of the Master’s in Development Practice Program, and Co-Director of theKishaadigeh Collaborative Research Centre在温尼伯大学。亚愽国际app下载她还是CIHR资助的加拿大健康和文化研究主席。Cidro博士对她在土著母亲和儿童健康方面的研究采取了协作方法,并与许多土著组织和社区合作。目前,她正在研究一项土著杜拉计划如何解决与曼尼托巴省原住民健康和社会秘书处以及曼尼托巴省土著杜拉斯倡议的伙伴关系的原住民妇女的健康,社会和文化成果。她还与哥伦比亚的社区合作伙伴合作,通过伊丽莎白女王伊丽莎白·亚愽娱乐app戴蒙德·朱比利(Elizabeth Diamond)禧年高级学者奖探索偏远哥伦比亚土著社区的孕产妇和儿童健康。她的其他任命包括2018 - 2019年温尼伯大学土著学术亚愽国际app下载领导,Uakn Prairie地区副主任和温尼伯大学的土著研究学者2018。

Lorena Fontaine

Lorena Fontaine博士

Lorena Sekwan Fontaine博士(学士学位,法学学士学位,法学学士,博士学位)是Cree-Ashishinabe,是加拿大曼尼托巴省的Sagkeeng First Nation的成员。她是土著研究系的副教授。她的研究包括土著语言权利,语言剂和居民学校的遗产。以前,Fontaine博士曾为加拿大第一民族大学和皇后大学的公共政策研究生课程任教。她在全国和国际上就加拿大的住宅学校问题和土著语言权利进行了讲话,并撰写了有关这些主题的文章。她的博士研究在CBC纪录片中介绍了“Undoing Linguicide,”获得2017年广播电视数字新闻协会Adrienne Clarkson多样性奖(广播)。她最近的研究包括Nindibaajimomin: A Digital Storytelling Project for Children of Residential School Survivors,最近,Mite Achimowin (Heart Talk) Research Project, which uses oral history and arts-based research approaches to explore culturally-rooted knowledge concerning oppressive mechanisms influencing the caring for one’s heart among First Nations women. She has also worked with the Assembly of First Nations as an advisor on Aboriginal languages for a number of years.

玛丽·简·麦卡勒姆(Mary Jane McCallum)Dr. Mary Jane McCallum

Dr. Mary Jane McCallum is a member of the Munsee Delaware Nation and a professor of history at the University of Winnipeg. Her research focuses on modern Indigenous histories, especially in the areas of health, education and labour. Her bookIndigenous Women, Work and History: 1940-1980(University of Manitoba Press, 2014), explores Indigenous women’s labour history in four case studies. Her current work focuses on Indigenous histories of tuberculosis in Manitoba in the years 1930-1970. Themes in her work include race and racism in the English Canadian historical profession, intersectionality, Indigenous social history, ethics and archival research, First Nations women’s politics; settler colonialism, racism and Canadian history; anti-Indigenous racism in the health care system, and digitization of Indigenous historical primary sources.

朱莉·纳迦(Julie Nagam)Dr. Julie Nagam

Dr. Julie Nagam (Metis/German/Syrian) is a Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Arts, Collaboration and Digital Media, Director of theAabijijiwan New Media Lab副主任Kiishadigeh Collaborative Research Centre, and the former Research Chair of Indigenous Arts of North America, which was a joint position with the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Dr. Nagam is an Associate Professor in the department of Art History at the University of Winnipeg. She is the inaugural Artistic Director for 2020/21 for Nuit Blanche Toronto, the largest public exhibition in North America. Dr. Nagam's SSHRC research includes digital makerspaces + incubators, mentorship, digital media + design, international collaborations, and place-based knowledge. She is a collective member of华丽, which works on curatorial activism, Indigenous methodologies, public art, digital technologies, and engagement with place. As a scholar and artist, she is interested in revealing the ontology of land, which contains memory, knowledge, and living histories. Dr. Nagam has been an Adjunct Faculty Member at York University (2013-2019), OCAD University (2015-2019), and the University of Manitoba (2015-2020). She has been a scholar in residence at Concordia University and Massey University (2018-19) and, in 2022, will be a fellow at the University of Sydney. Dr. Nagam’s scholarship, curatorial and artistic practice has been featured nationally and internationally.

Julie PelletierDr. Julie Pelletier

朱莉·佩莱蒂(Julie Pelletier)博士是一位文化人类学家,专门从事土著人民,主要来自美国,也来自加拿大和新西兰。她已经发表了有关土著学院的主题,博物馆和其他环境中的土著代表,作为经济发展的赌场以及作为土著方法论的故事。她在缅因州北部长大,是法国,玛丽塞特和米克马克的后裔。
