Accessible Quiet Study Room

Much of the library's quiet, secluded study space is located in hard-to-reach places on the 5th floor of Centennial Hall; the 1970's construction created a number of loft mezzanine areas that are only accessible via spiral staircases.

The purpose of this room is to increase the provision of quiet space in the library for students who are unable to utilize the areas on the 5th floor. It is a pilot project intended for UWinnipeg students with accessibility needs, although users are not required to register with Accessibility Services. Patrons without accessibility needs are asked to use the quiet study spaces on the 5th floor to ensure the Accessible Quiet Study Room is available for those who need it most.

This space will test the feasibility of an open accessibility room that does not require students to self-identify. The library welcomes suggestions for improvement. Please forward all comments to the Assessment Librarian, Joshua Herter ( An anonymous comment box is also available in the space.

The room features the following accommodations:

  • Automatic door opener
  • 3 height-adjustable tables with digital controls
  • 1 adjustable Tempur-pedic office chair
  • 1 couch
  • 2 standard library chairs
  • Touch lamps
  • A large window, with adjustable shade controls
  • An emergency phone
  • Power outlets


  • This room is to be used by registered UWinnipeg students only.

  • This room is not bookable; use of the space is first-come, first-served.

  • This room is a shared working space for individual study; up to 5 patrons may use it at any time, but not for group work.

  • 预计与其他用户的合作并尊重。在调整百叶窗或照明水平之前,请询问房间中的其他用户。

  • Furniture (aside from the wheeled chair) should not be moved.

  • This room is a Silent Study Zone. Conversations are not allowed, phones must be on silent, and other noises must be kept to a minimum.

  • This room is not soundproof, and the area immediately outside is a Collaborative Zone. Some noise, including classroom instruction, may bleed through. Staff are not able to intervene unless the noise levels become unreasonable for the Collaborative Zone.

  • Food and beverages are permitted in this room. Students are required to clean up after themselves, including wiping down surfaces and disposing of refuse in the appropriate bins. Food with strong odours and noisy wrappers should not be consumed in this room out of respect for other users.

  • 图书馆工作人员没有积极监控这个房间。学生可以在参考和流通桌上寻求帮助。如果发生紧急情况,学生可以在房间中使用手机联系流通桌。

  • The phone in this room will only complete calls made to the circulation desk and is for emergencies only. Non-emergency requests will not be fulfilled.

  • Please be willing to limit your time in this room to ensure other students have an opportunity to use the space.

  • 每当图书馆打开时,这个房间就会打开,并且必须在关闭时间腾出。

  • Users of this room are subject to the Respectful Work and Learning Environment policy.

  • Violation of these rules or any University policy may result in loss of library privileges.
