

All campus facilities, including the library arecurrently closed向公众。我们无法向当前不是温尼伯大学的学生,员工或教职员工的顾客提供校外访问我们的电子资源。亚愽国际app下载截至2020年3月13日拥有活跃帐户的特别借款人将在图书馆重新向公众开放时,将免费获得一年的会员资格。


如果您是来访的学者或研究助理,请参阅以获取访问权限的准则short-term researcher.


温尼伯大亚愽国际app下载学图书馆has a number of services available to guests, including:

Desktop computer accounts

Temporary accounts for access to computer workstations with printing/photocopying privileges are available to walk-in guests 16 years of age and older during normal public hours. Photo ID must be presented every time you request an account, even if you have already presented your ID earlier in the day. Any identification with your full name and a clear photo - such as a driver's licence, status card, passport, student card, etc. - is acceptable. ID without a photo will not be accepted.



Monday - Thursday 上午8:00 -7:30 pm;晚上7:35到期 7:30 - 9:00 pm; expire at 9:05 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 2:30pm; expire at 2:35 pm 2:30-4:00 pm;下午4:05到期
周六 上午9:00-下午2:30;下午2:35到期 2:30-4:00 pm;下午4:05到期
星期日 12:00 pm -5:30 pm;下午5:35到期 5:30 - 7:00 pm; expire at 7:05 pm

Please note that children under 16 are not eligible for guest accounts; an adult may register for a computer account on behalf of a child, but must supervise the child while they are using the computer.

Coin-op photocopier

A coin-operated photocopier is located near the circulation desk. Letter-sized and legal-sized black and white copies may be made for 15 cents each (per impression). Black and white and colour scanning may be done at the coin-op copier and other copiers for free and sent to an email account.

Special borrowers' cards


Uwinnipeg校友may acquire an alumnus/alumna card at the校友Office, ninth floor, 491 Portage Avenue, and then take it to the circulation desk for validation. There is no need to apply for a special borrowers' card.

研究Assistantsmay obtain a UW ID card and network account by following the process outlined under图书馆& Database Access for Short-Term Researchers.



Faculty, staff, and students from universities and colleges participating in the加拿大大学互惠借贷协议可以通过适当的亚愽国际app下载identification. Please note that borrowing privileges and regulations vary from institution to institution. University of Winnipeg faculty, staff, and students may also register for borrowing privileges atthese libraries.

Conduct in the Library

Uwinnipeg图书馆是一个尊重的工作和学习环境,所有图书馆用户都应以支持研究和研究的方式进行。这包括遵守所有适用的大学政策, including the可接受信息技术政策的使用,Respectful Working and Learning Environment Policy,Sexual Violence Prevention Policy, and the暴力预防政策. Behaviour that will not be tolerated in the Library includes, but is not limited to:

  • 虐待语言,包括威胁,骚扰和/或歧视性言论;
  • Behaviour that is disruptive or otherwise interferes with the ability of others to work in and enjoy the library, including refusal to adhere to posted sound zones;
  • Refusal to present ID when requesting or renewing a computer account;
  • Smoking, vaping, consumption of alcohol, or use of illicit substances;
  • 故意破坏,盗窃或对图书馆财产的任何故意损害或滥用图书馆的属性,包括在图书馆计算机上进行黑客入侵和未经授权的软件安装;
  • Sexual misconduct, including voyeurism, indecent exposure, or engaging in sexual acts;
  • 查看性别明确或促进偏见和/或仇恨议程的网站;
  • 未经图书馆管理的事先许可,在图书馆中拍摄,拍摄或录制。

Furthermore, visitors to the library are advised of the following rules:

  • 根据大学的服务动物政策, service animals are welcome, but please leave your pets at home.
  • Food and drink are permitted in most areas of the library, with the expectation that garbage is properly disposed of and any messes are suitably cleaned up. Food and lidless beverages are not permitted at public computers.
  • 未入学的14岁以下儿童必须始终陪同成人。

图书馆users who engage in unacceptable behaviour will be asked to leave the library. Serious violations or repeat offences may result in a permanent ban from the library.
