The University of Winnipeg



We’re glad that you chose to study at the University of Winnipeg, and hope that you enjoy your time here at our university – and in this beautiful city! We know that you need to learn a great deal of information during your studies, and that’s why the UW’s librarians – and all the library staff – are here to help.

By making use of the Library’s online catalogue and the many electronic databases we subscribe to, you will be able to access not only hundreds of thousands of books (both print and electronic), but also articles in peer reviewed journals and newspapers as well.

Because most of this content cannot be found simply by searching on the open Web (i.e., “Googling”), using the resources found through the Library are essential to your academic success.




You may find there are many differences between the UW Library and the libraries you would have used in your home country. For example, back home you might have been able to find all of your course textbooks at the library, but the UW Library rarely if ever purchases textbooks; instead you are expected to purchase these from the亚愽国际app下载温尼伯大学书店。(Other required readings may be由您的教练放在课程储备上)。Another difference is that you might be used to being charged a fee to borrow from a library; at UW, use of the Library is covered by your student fees, so there are no extra costs.

You may find that the most important difference from libraries in your home country is that the UW Library subscribes tohundreds of electronic databases这可以访问数百种学术期刊,因此您的研究不仅限于我们图书馆拥有的内容!UW提供了超出其收藏品以外的书籍和文章的另一种方式是通过InterLibrary Loan:如果我们没有它,我们可以从加拿大的另一个图书馆免费提供它!

Using the Library

Your Library Account

该图书馆不会发行自己的图书馆卡。您需要借书的只是您的UWinnipeg Identification card。To get online access to your Library account in order to place holds on books or to see when your books are due, you will be prompted to log in with yourWebAdvisor用户名和密码。

Borrowing Books

Most library materials may be borrowed for the entire term and there are no late fees. However, if you don’t return the book at all you will be charged the cost to replace it. Also, if someone else files a记起on a book you’ve checked out, you must return it within 7 days or you will be charged a fine. For more information about borrowing and fines please see our webpage onBorrowing, Renewing, and Requesting Material

Accessing eBooks and Online Articles

你不需要登录访问图书馆的猫alogue, but the first time you click on an ebook or electronic article in the Library catalogue during an online session, or choose to open an electronic database, you will be prompted to login with yourWebAdvisor用户名和密码。

Course Reserves and Reading Lists

Some of the required readings for your courses may have been放入课程储备by your instructor; in this case you won’t need to search for them in the Library catalogue. They will be held behind the Circulation Desk for you to request and borrow for a limited time, or in the case of electronic articles they may be onthe course’s Nexus page

Interlibrary Loan

If the UW Library doesn't’t have a book or article that you need, you can request an InterLibrary loan, and we will try to find them for you at another library in Canada. Your book requests can be shipped to the UW Library free of charge, and electronic articles will simply be emailed to you to your UW email address.


The printers in the Library are all connected to the campus-wide networked printing system, so you can retrieve your print jobs anywhereusing your Equitrac account


你需要吗查找书或文章? You can search for both using theLibrary catalogue。请注意,这是一个全球性的目录,所以it’s a good idea to use the check boxes on the left-hand side of the results page tolimit your searchto the UW, by format (print book, ebook or article) or by date.


你需要吗get just关于一个话题的基本事实or to find out key terms and suggestions for further reading? Search for an entry in a学术百科全书。


你需要吗do more深入搜索for peer-reviewed (scholarly/academic) articles, data, encyclopedia articles or newspapers? Try searching in specificdatabases。如果您不确定要使用哪个,请注意,在数据库页面的左侧,它们可以是listed by course area(例如,生物学,心理学,社会学等)。

Many of our databases offer translations into multiple languages. Visit the多语言数据库guide for an up-to-date list.

Academic Integrity

What is Academic Integrity? Why is it Important?

Academic integrity means making thoughtful decisions about how you use other people's research and present your work. It is important that you clearly show which ideas are your own, which ideas were developed by other researchers, and document where your data comes from and what methodologies were used to create it.

Your instructors will evaluate your projects based in large part on the strength of your evidence in addition to the originality and integrity of your ideas. Producing honest, well-cited work will not only play a big part in determining your marks, but also figuring out where you made mistakes and how you can improve.

For a more in-depth look at academic integrity, we recommend you view a series ofYouTube视频we've created on the subject. Each video covers a specific topic, such as paraphrasing or citing your sources.



Plagiarism is defined as:

  • not giving recognition to the original author[s] for phrases, sentences, thoughts, code, or arguments incorporated in the student’s written work, (including software or other digital sources), which can take the form of incomplete footnotes, endnotes, references and/or bibliographies;
  • not using quotation marks or referencing appropriately when quoting directly;
  • 将别人的作品作为自己的作品提交(要么是您付款的纸,要么是一个朋友为您写的)。
  • not referencing appropriately when summarizing to indicate the source of the ideas and work of another;
  • 未经每位讲师的同意,将相同的工作提交给多门课程;
  • two or more students submitting identical or virtually identical work for evaluation when the work was intended to be completed individually.



When an instructor suspects that academic misconduct may have occurred within a course, the instructor will notify the student via their official University of Winnipeg student email address about their concerns. The student will be given an opportunity to meet with the Instructor within 5 working days of that notification.

Within the following 5 working days, the instructor shall either grade the materials or commence theAcademic Misconduct Procedureby informing the Department Chair (or other representative for that faculty, department or division), in the form of a written report regarding the allegation of misconduct.

在收到教师报告的两个工作日内,部门主席(或其他教职员工代表)将通过其温尼伯官方大学的学生电子邮件地址通知学生,并通过对不当行为指控的认证信通知学生。亚愽国际app下载本通知将包括讲师的书面报告以及邀请the student to be present their version of events, in writing or in person,在收到通知的10个日历日内。讲师和主席Senate Academic Misconduct Committee应提供本通知的副本。

The student may then submitin writingor present in persontheir version of events. Within 5 days of receiving/hearing the student’s account (or if nothing is heard from the student after 10 days) the Department Chair (or other faculty/department representative) shall:

  1. 查看所有可用的信息和相关信息和文件(可能包括与学生会面),以及
  2. make a recommendation to theSenate Academic Misconduct Committeeas to whether or not an act of academic misconduct has been committed, and recommend an appropriate penalty.

任何涉嫌犯下学术不当行为的学生都可能受到处罚。确定学生是否实施学术不当行为的程序应公正,并允许公平的听证会在哪里可以代表和捍卫自己。A student alleged to have committed an act of academic misconduct also has aright to be accompanied by another personfor any personal appearance before University officials and/or committees. The person accompanying the student may provide support by:

  • raising specifics of the case as previously discussed between that person and the student;
  • pointing out procedural matters if correct procedures have not been followed;
  • helping the student overcome barriers the student may be experiencing including language comprehension issues or discomfort presenting;
  • delivering a closing statement.


Following the hearing, the Senate Academic Misconduct Appeals Committee may

  • uphold a finding of academic misconduct;
  • confirm a penalty, e.g., suspension or expulsion from the University.
  • assess a different penalty; or
  • dismiss the finding of academic misconduct.

为了full original (official) textplease see Section 8 “学生纪律(PDF),”

More Information

For a more in-depth look at academic integrity, we recommend you view a series ofYouTube视频we've created on the subject.

Getting Help

Librarian for International Students

dudley_circle_300x300.png你好!我叫迈克尔·达德利(Michael Dudley),我是为国际学生提供的图书馆员协调服务。为了更好地协助您在UW上取得成功,我将提供图书馆的导向以及每周的临时课程,以与您咨询您对书籍,文章和其他资源的需求。如果我无法直接帮助您,我很乐意推荐您我的图书馆员之一

You can reach me by phone (204) 982-1145 or by email (。

Assistance from Other Librarians and Staff

The Librarians and the rest of the Library staff at the UW Library are available to assist you in your research. You can get helpover Chat, send usan email或安排通过Zoom开会讨论您的论文,以帮助您找到最佳的书籍和文章。

  • Need help right away? Try ourOnline Chat
  • Need help with researching papers in several course areas? Trybooking an appointmentwith the Librarianfor those subject areas.