

Tue. Oct. 20, 2020


Kiera Kowalski“class=Kiera Kowalski-土著社区成员作为土著外展活动的参与者的影响和经历亚愽娱乐app(Jaime Cidro博士;西里诺克斯C EDI Project)

As part of my work as a Research Assistant at the Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre I will be piloting interview questions with youth who participate in cultural programming at the centre. These interviews will help understand how culturally relevant programming housed within university institutions effects Indigenous students sense of identity and self-esteem.


Ali Nychuk和Sarah Delaronde-她和我同行:通过基于文化的杜拉斯(Doulas)支持城市土著母亲(Jaime Cidro博士;CIHR Project Grant or SSHRC Partner Development Grant)

Ali Nychuk“class=Having the opportunity to meet Indigenous Women from across what we now call Canada who are taking on this important work that traditionally existed in our communities, has been nothing short of inspirational. This work continues证明需要一个整体健康模型,该模型欣赏并认可了THE内的出生支持工作e health care system, specifically in light of recent current events as racism is being documented by Indigenous people who are accessing care. I am so grateful for this opportunity to learn from and be mentored by a strong group of Indigenous women。”阿里

Tara Myran,Janelle Poiron和Ada Chukwudozie-Kishaadigeh: Indigenous Self Determination through Research for our Future Generations(Jaime Cidro博士; CIHR Neihr项目)

Janelle Poiron“height=“I am very excited to learn about and do work in Indigenous-led research. It is critical that Indigenous communities identify their priorities and pursue their own needs. This will create self determination through not only our generation but the seven generations to come."珍妮尔

Working on this project has opened a new type of practical research for me; one that is mindful of meaningful relationship building and dedicated towards working closely and respectfully with Indigenous communities. I get to work with several teams and soak in so much knowledge and it's something I would not trade for anything.“艾达

亚历山大·基恩·卡普尼·奥尔德罗德“class=亚历山大·基恩·卡普尼·奥尔德罗德-六个季节的asiniskawīthiniwak(Dr. Mavis Reimer - project director; Dr. Roland Bohr - team leader; SSHRC Partnership project)

The overall goal of the Six Seasons project is to advance the work of reclaiming Indigenous languages, histories, and knowledge among the Asiniskaw Īthiniwak (Rocky Cree). Our work responds to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s call for the revitalization of Indigenous cultures and the ‘relearning of Canada’s national history.’ At the heart of the project is the creation of a series of historical picture books for use in classrooms and homes across the Province.

作为研究生研究助理,我与Roland Bohr博士一起进行历史研究,以帮助1600年代中期的Asiniskawīthiniwak融合生活的样子。这项研究的一部分涉及与来自O Pipon-Napiwin第一民族和Nisichawayashik Cree Nation的知识饲养者合作,以作为本书文本的一部分制作解释性注释。我很高兴能成为一个能够使过去的知识能够让今天的孩子们获得的知识的一部分.”

亚历山大·基恩·卡普尼·奥尔德罗德- Business Development for Value-added Fishery Products in the Misipawistik Cree Nation(Dr. Melanie O’Gorman; Mitacs Accelerate Project)

都浪费在马尼托巴省渔业的水平d the rates of food insecurity in Northern Manitoba communities are unconscionable. Put them together and we have a tragedy. The goal of this project is to work with a fisherman from the Misipawistik Cree Nation to create a social enterprise that uses fish that would normally go to waste to create high-quality, nutritious, and affordable fish products for local consumption. I am working in partnership with Wa Ni Ska Tan, a SSHRC funded non-profit run out of the University of Manitoba, to create a market-assessment and feasibility study that will form the foundation of the social enterprise’s business plan.

The most exciting part of this research for me is the chance to use good business practices to sustainably solve community problems.透明

Babatunde Alabi“class=Babatunde Alabi- 您的声音很重要。真的?!公众参与和消费者参与监管程序(Dr. Patricia Fitzpatrick; Office of Consumer Affairs)

“I am excited to be involved in this very interesting project as Senior Research Assistant. It affords me the opportunity to learn about what constitutes effective and meaningful participation of the public in the government’s administrative review and decision-making processes. My work involves conducting case studies on regulatory tribunals review processes across Canada to determine the extent to which their proceedings and public participation conform to best practices. It also affords me the opportunity to further hone my skills in qualitative research techniques and the use of qualitative tools in the analysis of data."

凯特·罗布(Kate Robb)“class=凯特·罗布(Kate Robb)- 亚愽娱乐app社区适当的可持续能源安全(Patricia Fitzpatrick博士; SSHRC合伙赠款)

“The CASES partnership is a 7-year SSHRC funded project led by the University of Saskatchewan in collaboration with researchers and partners in Canada, Alaska, Norway, and Sweden. CASES aims to re-imagine energy security in northern and Indigenous communities by co-creating knowledge, understanding, and capacity to design, implement, and manage renewable energy systems that support and enhance social and economic values.

作为一名高级研究助理,我正在与曼尼托巴案小组的负责人Patricia Fitzpatrick博士合作。去年春天,我们在温尼伯大学举行了一个研讨会,将曼尼托佛教徒聚集在一起,分享有亚愽国际app下载关该省能源未来的想法。除了协助活动外,我还分析了收集的数据,并写了有关我们发现的报告。目前,我正在完成我们将提交的道德申请,以开始与曼尼托巴省的两个案件社区合作:丘吉尔和约克工厂第一民族。

Being a part of the CASES team has been a great learning experience thus far, and I'm looking forward continuing throughout my second year in the MDP program!"

Ada Chukwudozie“class=Ada Chukwudozie- 法院作为健康和福祉干预:对温哥华市区社区法院社会法律影响的实证分析亚愽娱乐app(Kristi Kenyon博士;加拿大高级研究所-CIFAR)

“这个项目对我来说是整体方法的重要性。在我的MDP计划的第一学期中,我们介绍了健康的社会决定因素的概念。通过这个项目,我可以看到这种多人的现实应用程序- 在司法系统中进行了备受调整的方法,该方法考虑了健康和筹款的社会层面,并在温哥华市区社区法院与客户打交道时,它非常激烈,有趣且与我从事过的任何事情都不同。”亚愽娱乐app
