

Kenneth  MeadwellTitle:Professor Emeritus of French Studies


肯尼斯·米德威尔(Kenneth Meadwell)在温尼伯大学(University of Winnipeg)教授了加拿大法国文学,文学理论,术语和翻译的课程。亚愽国际app下载A graduate of Winnipeg’s Kelvin High School and recipient of the Kelvin Jubilee Scholarship, he received his BA (Honours) (First Class Honours and Albert Lucas Prize for Highest Standing in French Honours Programme) and PhD from the University of Manitoba, and his MA from the University of Toronto where he was a Canada Council Special MA Scholar and Massey College Junior Fellow. His doctoral research led him to Paris, where he explored the巴黎典礼在法国的BibliothèqueNationaledu GouvernementFrançais。Meadwell教授担任部门主席已有13年,并且2009年被授予Robin H. Farquhar Award for Excellence in Contributing to Self-Governance。Meadwell教授曾是耶路撒冷希伯来大学,杜克大学和西班牙拉拉古纳大学的加拿大研究教授,以及MA和PhD论文辩护的外部评估者。在耶路撒冷希伯来大学时,米德威尔教授在魁北克小说中​​开发并教授了以色列,法语,法语加拿大文学的第一门课程。在温尼伯大学,亚愽国际app下载他开发并教授了第一个法语课程,以供终结后的毕业生,以及在加拿大法语文学的第二年,三年级和四年级的一系列课程,重点是魁北克现代小说的演变。Professor Meadwell was selected as "Popular Prof" by Maclean magazine'sGuide to Canadian Universitiesfor five consecutive years (2002-2006).

米德威尔教授曾担任魁北克神秘小说家RéjeanDucharme,其中包括一本关于神秘的魁北克小说家RéjeanDucharme的专着,其中包括100多篇文章和3本书。文学百科全书, a frequent reviser of curriculum materials for Manitoba’s Bureau de l’Éducation française, Adjunct Professor with the Programme de maîtrise en études canadiennes at the Université de Saint-Boniface, member of the pilot team overseeing the creation of the curricular project, Building Futures in Manitoba/Bâtir un futur au Manitoba, Vice-President of Les Éditions du Blé, the oldest francophone publishing firm in Western Canada, and evaluator for such agencies and journals as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Presses de l’Université Laval, Fonds de recherche du Québec andQuébec Studies

In 2013, Professor Meadwell was namedChevalier Dans L'Ordre des PalmesAcadémiquesdelaRépubliquefrançaisefor his remarkable and longstanding contribution to the promotion of French literature, language and culture. In 2014, the University of Winnipeg named himProfessor Emeritus of French Studiesin recognition of his exceptional service to the University and community-at-large. In 2015, he served as a jury member for the Prix du Gouverneur général du Canada in the category “Essais”, and in 2020 for the Isbister Prize/Prix Isbister for non-fiction. His photography was featured in UWinnipeg’s我们举办的III社区艺术展览亚愽娱乐app

Professor Meadwell continues his research in the construction of identity through memory and its effects on subjectivity. He also continues his peripatetic adventures, dividing much of his time between Europe and South America, with recent explorations of the influence of the Moors on Andalusian identity, and of the diversity of tribal identities in Colombia, exemplified by pre-Columbian gold masks from Bogotá to Cartagena de Indias.Meadwell教授可以在CBC/BET系列中重复出现的角色,The Porter

The Meadwell Scholarship in French

2002年,米德威尔教授创建了梅德韦尔捐赠基金,以纪念75thbirthday of his mother and the 80th他父亲的生日。他的父母是教育的热心支持者。文科传统;语言,文学和文化的研究;和加拿大研究。

This endowment awards annually and in perpetuitythe Meadwell Scholarship in French(current value $1,000) which supports an outstanding Basic French (40S) Manitoba high school graduating student who enrols in six credit-hours of French Studies at the University of Winnipeg in the academic year following high school graduation.

In 2022, the endowment celebrates the milestone of assisting twenty meritorious Manitoba students. It will continue to do so for decades to come.

The scholarship is administered by the UW Awards Office. For more information, students can contactawards@uwinnipeg.ca


加拿大法国文学;现代和现代的魁北克小说;literary analysis and theory; translation; terminology.




Selected Publications

Book cover评论L’expression de la culpabilité chez Jules SupervielleAnne Lainard-Nutini。巴黎:L'Harmattan,2018年。French Studies(Oxford) 74.1(2020): 140.

“ Poesis和翻译”。加拿大文学238 (Special Issue 2019): 157-158.

"La littérature-mosaïque".加拿大文学235(2017年冬季):131-132。

“Les voix singulières d’Alexandre Amprimoz:sapientiaeteloquentia"Voix plurielles12.2(2015):9-10。

Les voix de la mémoire et de l’altérité与玛丽亚·费尔南达·阿伦特森(Maria Fernanda Arentsen)共同编辑。温尼伯:媒体大学,圣湾大学,2013年。227页。

Narrativité et voix de l’altérité. Figurations et configurations de l’altérité dans le roman canadien d’expression française。Ottawa: Éditions David, Collection Voix savantes, 2012. 182 p.

“ Fugues,Retrouvailles等人的优势”,Préface,Un Piano dans le noirDe Simone Chaput。温尼伯:ÉditionsduBlé,CollectionBléEnPoche,2011年。7-11。

“观点叙事身份及L’Avalée des avalés”。普雷斯·德·杜切尔德(Présencesde Ducharme)。Élisabeth Nardout-Lafarge, Élisabeth Haghebaert and Andrée Beaudet, editors. Québec: Éditions Nota bene, 2009. 181-192.

“ La Oprance de L'Autre Dans leRécitCanadien d'ErcessionFrançaise:La Mémoire de l’eaude Ying Chen”.移民比较。比较迁移。Marie Carrière and Catherine Khordoc, editors. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, 2008. 91-106.

“La Transformation identitare de l’Autre dansLe Soleil du lac qui se couchede J.R. Léveillé”.Plaisir du Texte,Texte de plaisir:l’ -uvre deJ.R.Léveillé。Lise Gaboury-Diallo,Rosmarin Heidenreich和Jean Valenti,编辑。温尼伯:媒体大学,圣湾大学,2007年。131-147。

“碎片化和统一。Cantique des plaines, fiction identitaire individuelle et collective”.L’un et le multiple.Zsuzsa Simonffy,编辑。布达佩斯:TintaKönyvkiadó,2006年。50-59。

“Ludisme et clichés dansL’Avalée des avalésde Réjean Ducharme”.Ducharme en Revue。ÉlisabethHaghebaert和Elisabeth Nardout-Lafarge,编辑。魁北克:魁北克省媒体,2006年。71-77。最初发表的文章的邀请重印Voix et Images41(养蜂人1989):294 - 300。

“倒入Une toxogie del'AltéritéDanslerécitCanadien d'ArcessionFrançaise:La Crise Identitaire de l'Autre DansLa Belle Bêtede Marie-Claire Blais”。Identités en métamorphoses.Fridrun Rinner, editor. Aix-en-Provence: Presses de l’Université d’Aix-en-Provence, 2006. 45-52.

“prolégomènesàunetoxologie del'AltéritéDanslerécitCanadien d'Ercessightfrançaise:le cas deCantique des plainesde nancy huston”。L’Autre en mémoire。Dominique Laporte,编辑。Ste-Foy:Presses del'iversiatéLaval,2006年。277-296。

“De la réflexion à l’œuvre: analyse des dossiers scriptique et scénarique duPassager德·吉尔伯特·拉罗克(de Gilbert La Rocque)”。加拿大文学/études的研究Canadienne(2003): 125-139.

“Lecture du dossier génétique deSerge d'Entre Les Mortsde Gilbert La Rocque: analyse des stratégies narratives et discursives”.ÉtudesFrancophone17.2 (automne 2002): 101-112.

“ l' -uvre en devenir:une演讲Dossiersgénétiquesscénariquesde deSerge d'Entre Les Morts,Les MasquesetLe Passager德·吉尔伯特·拉罗克(de Gilbert La Rocque)”。加拿大文学168 (Spring 2001): 105-119
