





In recognition of the sesquicentennial of Manitoba College’s founding, The University of Winnipeg, in partnership with the University of Manitoba, will be hosting a panel discussion addressing the history of the college and its legacies in the areas of art, Residential Schools, and the participation of women in post-secondary education in Manitoba.

结合发布曼尼托巴学院150网站,其中包括学院历史上事件的幻灯片和时间表,历史系副教授瑞安·埃福德(Ryan Eyford)将主持小组讨论,该讨论可以在11月5日(星期五)从12:30-1:几乎通过Zoom参加。下午30点。那些有兴趣参加的人can register now


作为小组的一部分,演讲者将谈论曼尼托巴学院历史的具体方面。戴尔·巴伯(Dale Barbour)于2021年在加拿大历史上获得了H. Sanford Riley Postoral的研究员,他将探索曼尼托巴学院在温尼伯大学历史上的地位。亚愽国际app下载历史系副教授克莱尔·拉布雷克(Claire Labrecque)将分享她在曼尼托巴学院(Manitoba College)的神学窗口上的研究,该学院现在位于Uwinnipeg的Bryce Hall。莉莉安娜·洛佩兹(Liliana Lopez)是2021年的Uwinnipeg毕业生,他将讲述女性在曼尼托巴学院(Manitoba College)的历史中扮演的角色,以及参加该学院的妇女的生活和成就。这是曼尼托巴省第一个接受女学生的高等教育学院。

重要的是,历史系的助理教授卡伦·弗兰坦(Karen Froman)是一家住宅学校幸存者的女儿,他将与长老会教堂的参与以及曼尼托巴学院的参与,在住宅学校系统中。

“The University of Winnipeg has a deep history in Manitoba, which precedes receiving our charter as an independent university in 1967. A part of that history is Manitoba College, created by the Presbyterian Church in 1871,” said The University of Winnipeg interim president and vice-chancellor Dr. James Currie. “While we acknowledge the contribution that Manitoba College made to post-secondary education in western Canada, we must acknowledge too that the Presbyterian Church ran Residential Schools, which inflicted tremendous harm and suffering upon Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Research by UWinnipeg faculty members in the department of History has shown that graduates of Manitoba College were directly involved in the administration of residential schools.





Established in 1871, and born out of the foundation of Nesbitt Hall two years prior, Manitoba College’s origins are as a religious school affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, but it played a starring role in the formation of post-secondary education throughout the province and Western Canada.

Though initially located in Kildonan, the college was moved to Winnipeg in 1874 and began to make its indelible mark on academia in Manitoba through collaborations with other institutions. By joining with Collège de Saint-Boniface and St. John’s College in 1877, Manitoba College played an integral part in the formation of the University of Manitoba.

While continuing its partnership with the University of Manitoba, Manitoba College continued to forge other relationships, including a long-standing collaboration with Wesley College, which itself had been established in 1888. Throughout its early history, Manitoba College had an educational focus on Theology, largely training men and women – Jesse Livingstone Holmes was its first female student and graduate – for ministry, church, and missionary work.


