
IMPORTANT:Ceasing to attend classes does not constitute a course drop.Failure to follow correct course drop procedures may result in a failing grade and a loss of tuition fee credit. Students may drop without academic penalty from a course at any time before the published final academic drop date applicable to the course.


You may drop a class using WebAdvisor/Student Planning, without any fee penalties, prior to the start of classes. See "Instructions" below.

Dropping courses AFTER classes begin

You may drop a class using WebAdvisor/Student Planning. For the specific deadline dates (including refund/no refund) for each term, please refer to theWithdrawal/Drop Schedule.To drop courses, see "Instructions" below.


Dropping Courses Using WebAdvisor

  1. Within Student Planning, click onPlan & Schedule.
  2. Click on the arrows to toggle to the term of the class you wish to drop. This will show your “Current Registrations” in green.
  3. 在时间表区域的左侧,查找您希望丢弃的课程部分,然后单击Dropbutton.
  4. 读大学的法律声明和selectAccept(or Cancel).
  5. Carefully read theRegister and Drop Sectionssummary to ensure you are dropping the correct class/lab. SelectUpdate(or Cancel).
  6. 确认通知将出现在屏幕的顶部,右上角。此外,您在学生财务模块中的注册/财务报表将立即更新以反映课程删除(无费用)或跌落状态(费用仍然适用)。

笔记:If you have difficulties dropping a class on WebAdvisor, please contact Student Central at学生central@uwinnipeg.caor 204.779.8946 or 1.800.956.1824.

参见第16-17页WebAdvisor & Student Planning Guide.
Watch Video #7 of theStudent Planning Instructional Videos.

Other Methods to Drop Courses

If you are not able to use WebAdvisor (due to a fee or study permit hold, for example), you may request - by letter, fax or webmail - that Student Central drop a course(s) on your behalf. See “Key Contact Information” below. Notification by telephone willnotbe accepted. The same Withdrawal/Drop Schedule applies. Requests to drop a course made by letter or fax will be effective on the date received.

Complete Withdrawal from the University

希望在讲座开始后退出所有课程的学生,但在最后删除日期之前,可以通过WebAdvisor/学生计划在线删除他们。请注意最终的学术提款日期 - 请参阅Withdrawal/Drop Schedule. If you decide not to return to The University of Winnipeg, please return your Student ID/Library Card to Student Central.


Fax Number for Student Central:204.783.4996
When faxing, please include: first and last name, student number, full course section numbers(s) and titles you wish deleted or dropped, the date andyour signature.

Email for Course Drops:registration@uwinnipeg.ca
When emailing, students must use theirUniversity webmail accountand include: first and last name, student number, full course section numbers(s) and titles they wish to drop.

Mailing Address:
515 Portage Avenue,
Winnipeg, MB. R3B 2E9
Attention: Student Central
When writing, please include your first and last name, your student number, the course(s) you wish deleted, the date, and your signature.


接触学生中央-Email学生central@uwinnipeg.caor phone 204.779.UWIN(8946).

If the final academic withdrawal deadline date for any course has passed, students willnotbe withdrawn from that course. Please refer to theWithdrawal/Drop Schedule
