

Arthur Walker-Jones标题:教授
电子邮件:A. Walker-Jones@uwinnipeg.ca



Dr. Walker-Jones is an active member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the largest international association of biblical scholars, and has been co-chair of the Academic Teaching and the Bible section (2001-2008) and the Animal Studies and the Bible consultation (2017-2019) at the Annual Meeting.


沃克·琼斯(Walker-Jones)博士还参与了各种环境组织,目前是加拿大绿色信仰联盟(Green Faith Alliance)的主席,也是加拿大主教会议/加拿大加拿大联合教会关于气候变化的对话。

Dr. Walker-Jones’s hobbies include canoe trips, most recently on the Yukon River, and competing in marathon canoe races.


  • 基本圣经希伯来语(REL-2001)
  • 探索宗教:圣经(Rel-1003)
  • 生态与宗教(Rel-2515)



诗篇书2:《地球圣经评论》诗篇书2:《地球圣经》评论:“作为母鹿吟。”Bloomsbury T&T Clark,2019年。

绿色诗篇:生态精神的资源。Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2009.

希伯来语进行圣经的解释。Resources for Biblical Study, 48. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature; Leiden: Brill, 2003.



“Ecofeminist Biblical Hermeneutics for Cyborgs and the Story of Jezebel.” In女权主义的牛津手册应用roaches to the Hebrew Bible,ed。苏珊·索尔兹(Susanne Scholz)。牛津:牛津大学出版社,(即将到来的2020年)。


“象牙或牙齿的宫殿(PS 45.9):卡罗尔·亚当(Carol Adam)缺乏参考和诗篇的生态翻译。”The Bible Translator70(2019):273–282。


Zygon:宗教与科学杂志52(2017),1005-1028。doi 10.1111/Zoo.12375

“God among the Wild Things.”授权(May, 2016): 26–27.

绿色诗篇的书籍封面“Ecological Biblical Criticism透明Oxford Encyclopaedia of Biblical Interpretation,ed。史蒂文·麦肯齐(Steven L. McKenzie)New York: Oxford University Press,,,,2013.

“Serpent or Snake.” Dictionary of the Bible and Western Culture, eds. Mary Ann Beavis and Michael Gilmour. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2012.

“利维坦。”圣经和西方文化词典,编辑。玛丽·安·比维斯(Mary Ann Beavis)和迈克尔·吉尔默(Michael Gilmour)。谢菲尔德:谢菲尔德·凤凰城,2012年。

“‘Into Your Hands,’ O Scribes: Corrupted Hebrew in the Latin Evangelium Nicodemi,”伪经21(2010):169–176。

“来自岩石的蜂蜜:上帝作为岩石对生态诠释学的贡献。”pp。91–102英寸探索生态诠释学,ed。Norman C. Habel和Peter Trudinger。研讨会系列,46;亚特兰大:圣经文学学会,2008年。

“Eden for Cyborgs: Ecocriticism and Genesis 2–3.”Biblical Interpretation16 (2008): 263– 293.

“‘Words with Power’ for Social Transformation: An Anatomy of Biblical Criticism for Theological Education.”教神学和宗教11(2008):75–81。


“New Life in the Biblical Studies Classroom,”SBL Forum3(2005),

“地球的哭泣”和“扬古纳碗”。pp。15-18,113 in故事一个又一个故事:加拿大人弯曲神学,ed。Loraine Mackenzie Shepherd。温尼伯:在Edge,2003年。

“ 8.3单元:使用学习合同。”在南太平洋神学学院的教学和学习,ed。罗杰·兰德贝克(Roger Landbeck)。SUVA:南太平洋学院协会,2002年。

希伯来语的书籍封面“Psalm 104: A Celebration of the Vanua.” Pp. 84–97 inThe Earth Story in Psalms and Prophets,ed。Norman Habel.地球圣经4;谢菲尔德:谢菲尔德学术出版社,2001年。

*“Educational Needs Assessment for Ethnic Church Leaders Report,” with Lisa Hagen-Smith and Rosalind Bradford. A collaborative research project with the Ethnic Ministries Council of the United Church Program on Education for Church Leadership, Winnipeg Presbytery Ethnic Ministries Committee and the Faculty of Theology, University of Winnipeg. Funded by Education for Church Leadership, 2001.

“The Role of Theological Imagination in Biblical Theology.”HBT(1989),73-97。
