
Dr. Mark Ruml

马克·拉姆尔(Mark Ruml)标题:教授


Ph.D. University of Ottawa, Religious Studies (Focus on Indigenous Traditions), 1997.


B.A. Specialist, Brandon University, 1986.


Mark F. Ruml博士于1993年在Brandon University开始了他的教学生涯,该课程与校园和萨斯喀彻温省的White Bear Indian Reserve的教学课程有关。1995年,他接受了温尼伯大学宗教研究系的职位,并将土著宗教传统发展成为该系亚愽国际app下载的一个研究领域。

Respecting and acknowledging their Indigenous knowledge, Dr. Ruml has collaborated with Indigenous Elders since he began his teaching career and has worked towards including Indigenous Knowledge Keepers and Indigenous knowledge at the University. While Chair of the Dean of Arts and Science Indigenous Initiatives Academic Planning Committee (1999-2000), the Committee lobbied strongly to develop an Elders-in-Residence program and Indigenous Language courses.


通过总统创新项目基金的财政支持以及埃里卡(Erica)和阿诺德·罗杰斯(Arnold Rogers)创新教学基金,他邀请了本地女性知识饲养者加入该大学,这是土著女性教义课程和演讲者系列的一部分。

当被要求向开发实践硕士课程教授“土著思想和世界观”课程时,Ruml博士建议由Anishinaabe Elder和传统老师Dan Thomas教授课程。几年来,他们一直教授这门课程,直到最终托马斯长老开始独奏。

Dr. Ruml was a co-investigator on a SSHRC grant (1999-2002) “Recovering the Mushkegowak Past: Stories and History from the Hudson and James Bay Lowlands”导致加拿大遗产资助的项目“Omushkego(Cree)口述历史项目”(2002-2003)。该项目的目的是与Omushkego老年路易斯·伯德(Omushkego)合作,以数字化他的音频评估CREE口述历史记录并创建指定的网站www.ourvoices.ca容纳他的收藏。Ruml博士与当地的土著组织合作,制作了SSHRC研究开发计划,名为“尊重的方法:原住民研究的道德和程序指南”(2007 - 2010),为未来的开发方法research and to seek input from Indigenous people on possible research topics. His current SSHRC Insight Grant (2018-2023), “土著精神传记,”试图尊重土著精神领袖的生活和教义。

为了表彰他为土著社区总统Axworthy的服务,Axworthy授予Ruml博士,并于2009年亚愽娱乐app在Condactocation举行的Clarence Atchison卓越社区服务奖。

Dr. Ruml lives in the Birds Hill Park area with his daughters Nina and Santee. When not at work, he and his family can be found on the powwow and ceremonial trail or on the water fishing and tubing.


  • Introduction to Indigenous Spirituality (REL-2801)
  • Indigenous and Christian Encounter (REL-2802)
  • Indigenous Sacred Narratives (REL-2803)
  • 土著妇女教义(Rel-3/4803)
  • 土著仪式和康复(Rel-3/4805)


Indigenous Spirituality, Culture, and History (especially Anishinaabe, Dakota and Omushkego); Indigenous Healers; Indigenous Spiritual Biography.


全球土著健康的书籍封面“Vision Questing in the New Forest: Indigenous Spirituality in the Public Sphere and the Cultural Values Underlying the Idle No More Movement.”Social Compass。第67卷,第1期,第59-71页,2020年。https://doi.org/10.1177/0037768619894814

Wic̨ozani WašTE(美好的生活):亚瑟·阿米奥特(Arthur Amiotte)的生命周期/礼仪周期和康复模式”,全球土著健康:和解过去,吸引现在,使未来动画,罗伯特·亨利(Robert Henry),阿曼达·拉瓦利(Amanda Lavallee),南希·范·斯蒂文代尔(Nancy Van Styvendale)和罗伯特·亚历山大·英尼斯(Robert Alexander Innes)(编辑),257-274。图森:亚利桑那大学出版社,2018年。

“Coping With Death: Dakota and Ojibwe Mourning Ceremonies and the Healing Process.”Studies in Religion。Volume 45, No. 3, 2016: pp: 292-308.

“The Indigenous Knowledge Documentation Project--Morrison Sessions: The Eternal Natural Laws.”Journal of Religious Studies and Theology。第30卷,第2期,2011年:第155-169页。

“ MitákuyeOwás’į(我所有的亲戚):DakotaWičoni(生活方式)和WičozaniWašte(幸福)。”原住民政策研究:学习,技术和传统。Jerry P. White,Julie Peters,Dan Beavon和Peter Dinsdale(编辑)。卷VI。多伦多:汤普森教育出版社,2010年:第187-202页。



“Mitewin: Stories of Shamanism and Survival.” With Louis Bird. In Telling Our Stories: Omushkego Voices from Hudson Bay, by Louis Bird. J.S.H. Brown, Paul DePasquale, and Mark F. Ruml. (eds.). Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2005: pp. 87-105.

路易·伯德(Louis Bird),讲我们的故事:哈德逊湾的Omushkego传说和历史。Jennifer S.H. Brown, Paul W. DePasquale, and Mark F. Ruml (eds.). Broadview Press, 2005. (269 pgs.).
