The University of Winnipeg

Asset and Campus Enhancement (ACE) plan

Thank you to all who participated in our ASSET AND CAMPUS ENHANCEMENT (ACE) plan consultations.


Consultations were held:

Completed: March 6 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm;
Completed: March 30 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm;
Completed: April 4 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm;
Completed: April 13 from 8:30 to 10 am.


2015年,基于与Uwinnipeg社区和其他利益相关者的广泛咨询,Annette Trimbee博士为Uwinnipeg推出了五个战略方向。亚愽娱乐app从那时起,已经完成了许多工作来制定综合的学术和研究计划,战略入学框架,本土化计划以及在我们三年预算的背景下制定的财务资源计划。现在,我们正在进行咨询活动,以确定需要哪些资产和校园增强功能来支持教职员工和学生完全实现我们的战略方向。

Originally chaired by Bill Balan and now Jino Distasio, an ACE Planning Committee has been established to seek input and coordinate feedback from the UWinnipeg community to determine what we need now and over the next several years. The ACE members are: Neil Besner, Jino Distasio, Serena Keshavjee, Craig Willis, Gina Sylvestre, Julie Nagam. Advisors: Mike Emslie, Brian Daly. Communications support: Diane Poulin.


Activities:including knowledge mobilization, research, Indigenization, research chairs, and other activities.

Programs:including scholarships, bursaries, endowments, international student programs, and other programs.


A “What We Heard” document and feedback loop will be part of the process.

PHASE TWO: Activating ACE (Fall 2017)

It is anticipated that a Priorities for Action recommendation report and potential companion fundraising plan will be developed for executive and Board of Regents consideration in Fall 2017.


Scott McCullough,MCP,Benvd,BA,Leed®AP

Assistant Director, Senior Research Associate

Scott McCullough is the Assistant Director and a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Urban Studies (IUS) at the University of Winnipeg. Scotts work at the IUS covers a wide range of housing and urban issues including: homelessness, housing and housing market dynamics, neighbourhood analysis, Aboriginal community development, urban core change, immigration settlement needs, and urban poverty. Scott has a design background with experience in urban revitalization, urban design, and architecture. His personal research interests focus on the relationship between climate change and cities, specifically, addressing urban energy planning through urban design and policy.

Marcella Poirier,M.C.P.,B.A(荣誉),MCIP

Senior Manager Real Estate Development & Project Management Services

Marcella Poirier is a community planning professional with over a decade of design and development experience. As a Senior Manager at the UWCRC, she leads capital projects and is accountable to ensure the values-driven goals of the organization are maintained at all stages of work. Understanding and meeting diverse stakeholder needs are essential Project Management services she provides. Her role includes leadership of the Integrated Project Delivery process with architects, engineers, contractors and key sub-trades to ensure the owner’s project requirements are met.


马塞拉(Marcella)在曼尼托巴大学(University of Manitob亚愽娱乐appa)建筑学院的规划系中教授区域规划和社区规划。作为硕士论文专业顾问,她仍然参与学生发展。Marcella是Sistars社区经济发展合作社的志愿者董事会主席,也是温尼伯市访问咨询亚愽娱乐app委员会的成员。她从2013年至2016年开始在温尼伯市进行了四次简(Jane)在温尼伯市的散步,探索了儿童友好城市和可及性的主题。
