英语系 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/177 2022-07-04T09:32:38Z 简介:关心艰难的知识 - 对加拿大人权博物馆的业务 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1890 简介:关心艰难的知识 - 对加拿大人权博物馆的攻击,安吉拉;艾夫斯,彼得;米尔恩,希瑟接受了手稿的版本 2015-06-15T00:00:00z 漫画的工作方式:1BUW制作 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1826 漫画的运作方式:1BUW生产步枪,念珠菌;克里斯托弗(Christopher),布兰登(Brandon);RL,爱丽丝这本小册子是温尼伯大学2019年秋季课程一本书UW(1BUW)的内容的介绍。亚愽国际app下载 2019-01-01T00:00:00z 移动字符,移动文本:年轻人的当代文本中的无家可归和互文性 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1633 移动字符,移动文本:当代文本中的无家可归和互文性,年轻人雷默(Mavis) 2013-01-01T00:00:00z ‘“没有家庭”:当代年轻人的无家可归者的事实和人物 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1632 ‘“没有家庭”:当代年轻人的无家可归者的事实和人物Reimer, Mavis The most common story for children is one in which a central character leaves home in search of an adventure or is pushed out of an originary home, journeys to an unfamiliar place, and, after a series of exciting and/or dangerous experiences, either returns home, or chooses to claim the unfamiliar space as a new home. Whether as historical novel, domestic fiction, or fantasy, this story finds its happy ending in the agreement of the child to be secure (and secured) inside. The turn of the millennium, however, has seen an increasing number of narratives for young readers that challenge the earlier pattern. Using three Canadian novels for young people (published in 2004, 2006, and 2007) as examples, I demonstrate that, while these narratives may locate themselves within the context of a social-justice pedagogy and are concerned to teach young people the facts of homelessness and to promote thoughtful reflections on the underlying social causes of which homelessness is the symptom, readers are also invited to understand the young characters in the text more abstractly, as figures that represent possible ways of being in the world. Indeed, many of the recent narratives for young people replicate, almost uncannily, the metaphors and rhetorical turns of the theorists of globalization. 2013-01-01T00:00:00z