研究办公室 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1916 2022-12-23T09:19:06Z 除了粮食安全之外:了解温尼伯的城市土著人民作为土著食品主权的机会 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1924 除了粮食安全之外:理解温尼伯的城市土著人民的文化食品作为土著食品主权Cidro,Jaime;Adekunle,Bamidele;彼得斯,伊芙琳;马丁斯(Martens),塔比莎(Tabitha)获得安全,负担得起和营养的食物是温尼伯市内许多土著人民面临的障碍,温尼伯(Winnipeg)以拥有广阔的食物沙漠而闻名。尽管粮食安全是城市地区的土著人,尤其是居住在城市内部地区的土著人民的紧急社会,经济,文化和健康问题,但与文化价值有关的粮食安全有一些独特的要素。对于土著人民来说,在城市社区获得文化食品是一个挑战。本文讨论了进行的一些初步研究的结果,该研究探讨了生活在城市社区中的土著人民的土著文化食品相关的经验和含义,以及所谓的“土著食品主权”(IFS)的更大目标(如果是)具体来说。当土著人具有练习IF的技能时,就可以展开对社会和经济福祉的一系列积极好处。这项研究中出现的三个主题包括(1)种植,收获,准备和进食文化食品作为仪式,(2)文化食品作为通过互惠的联系的一部分,以及(3)重新学习ifs以解决粮食不安全,以解决粮食不安全感 the city. 2015-01-01T00:00:00z 母乳喂养习惯作为Cree社区幼儿龋齿的文化干预措施 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1923 母乳喂养习惯是Jaime Cidro Cree社区幼儿龋齿的文化干预措施;Zahayko,Lynelle;劳伦斯(Herenia P.)Folster,Samantha;麦格雷戈,玛格丽特;麦凯,克里斯汀的背景:母乳喂养是母亲到孩子的礼物,对婴儿有广泛的积极健康,社会和文化影响。奶瓶喂养与幼儿龋齿(ECC)的患病率之间的联系已得到充分记录。在原住民社区中,ECC的率较高与高糖含量液体的母乳喂养率低和不适当的婴儿喂养相关。方法:乳牙谈话研究(BTT)是一个正在探索四种干预措施(动机访谈,预期指导,氟化物清漆和牙科护理)的项目,以降低原住民社区内婴儿的ECC患病率。这项研究通过个人访谈探索了基于文化的实践,并与社区中年长的原住民妇女进行焦点小组。亚愽娱乐app Results: Participants in a First Nations community identified cultural based practices that have also been used to promote healthy infant feeding and good oral health. A wide range of themes related to oral health and infant feeding emerged. However, this paper focusses on three themes including: breastfeeding attitudes, social support for mothers and birthing and supporting healthy infant feeding through community programs. Conclusions: The importance of understanding cultural health traditions is essential for those working in oral public health capacities to ensure there is community acceptance of the interventions. 2015-04-09T00:00:00z 基于社区的健康研究人员和原住民参与者之间有意义参与的策略亚愽娱乐app https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1922 基于社区的健康研究人员和原住民参与者Cidro,Jaime之间有意义的参与策略;亚愽娱乐app马尔,马里恩;萨布丽娜的佩雷西尼;罗伯特·J(Schroth);布劳顿,约翰;丽莎·贾米森(Jamieson);劳伦斯(Herenia P.亚愽娱乐app社区研究人员(CBR)在三年内进行了针对准妈妈及其新生儿的预防和行为干预措施。CBR的工作需要大量的培训和技能来管理干预措施。它还需要广泛的策略,使参与者有意义地吸引参与者进行促进健康的改变,以防止其子女中的ECC。 After implementing the intervention, BTT CBRs participated in interviews to explore the strategies they employed to engage participants in the prevention of ECC. CBRs perceived two key strategies as essential for meaningful engagement with BTT participants. First, CBRs indicated that their shared experiences through motherhood, First Nations identity, age, and childhood experience provided a positive foundation for dialog with participants that lead to build trust and rapport. Second, supportive interpersonal and culturally based communication skills of the CBR provided further foundation to engage with participants from a strength-based approach. For example, the CBRs knew how to effectively communicate in ways such as being gentle, non-intrusive, and avoiding any perception of judgment when discussing oral health behavior. In First Nations health research, CBRs can provide an essential link in engaging participants and the community for improvements in health. Researchers should carefully consider characteristics such as shared experience and ability to understand cultural communication styles when hiring CBRs in order to build a solid foundation of trust with research participants. 2017-06-30T00:00:00z 成为一个好亲戚:土著杜拉斯恢复文化知识,以改善曼尼托巴省的健康和出生结果 https://hdl.handle.net/10680/1921 成为一个好亲戚:土著杜拉斯(Doulas)恢复文化知识,以改善曼尼托巴·塞德罗(Manitoba Cidro)的健康和出生结果;Doenmez,Caroline;阿里的phanlouvong;阿里土著妇女越来越多地回到基于文化的分娩实践,以断言自己的身体和分娩经历。殖民化对加拿大原住民妇女的分娩经历的影响是深远的,并扩展到了几代家庭。传统上,加拿大的原住民妇女在其社区中被家庭和社区包围,观察到怀孕和分娩的许多传统,包括胎盘埋葬和肚皮纽扣仪式。亚愽娱乐app这些传统以及护理和支持圈导致了韧性,力量以及与土地和家庭的联系。在曼尼托巴省,土著妇女正在接受训练和参与支持其土著亲戚和社区成员,作为土著杜拉斯或出生工人。亚愽娱乐appThis paper describes the experiences of the first cohort of Indigenous doulas trained in Winnipeg, Manitoba by the Manitoba Indigenous Doula Initiative (MIDI), also known as Wiijii’idiwag Ikwewag, and describes the specific contributions and impacts of Indigenous doulas who support Indigenous women during pregnancy and birth. Through qualitative interviews, our participants described various understandings of their work, purpose and their impacts on the women and families they support. Four recurring themes which emerged across the interviews included: prior negative birthing experiences, clashes with mainstream health and social services, the understanding of doulas as advocates, and empowerment and disempowerment. These themes all spoke to ongoing challenges Indigenous women continue to face during their pregnancies and births in mainstream healthcare systems, as well as highlighting the key forms of support that doulas can provide to ensure the self-determination and well-being of the women they work with. 2018-10-31T00:00:00z