Barb Read

Barb ReadBA, MAdEd

For countless UWinnipeg students, staff, and faculty facing stress, Barb Read has been a compassionate and calming influence.

Since an introductory workshop in 2014, Read has volunteered her time and expertise to offer twice-weekly Mindfulness Meditation sessions to the UWinnipeg and external community at no cost. A mindfulness meditation facilitator, she has grown the workshop from a small group exercise for her colleagues and students to a program that has been integrated into courses and wellness initiatives across campus.

Read offers more than just a warm and approachable presence — she is a vital resource to many in the community. Her sessions are an inclusive space, where participants feel comfortable sharing personal details. Her empathetic nature allows people to feel understood and valued, while her cheerfulness is infectious to those around her.

Read approaches her volunteer activities with professionalism and attention to detail. She is steadfast in her preparation, continuing to hold meetings around logistical issues — and bringing the same, vibrant energy week after week. She also dedicates herself to improving her craft by pursuing education at home and abroad.

Although recently retired, these same qualities are reflected in Read’s performance as the Coordinator of Adult Learner Services and Recognition of Prior Learning. In her role as coordinator, she assisted with each step of university life — all the way from the application process to graduation — helping make education accessible and obtainable for adult learners, many of whom were facing strenuous life circumstances. She also organized and taught the Study Skills Workshops, integrating mindfulness meditation where suitable, which helped students navigate the challenges of adjusting to and succeeding in university life.

For her promotion of healthy lifestyles, academic excellence, and a safe, reflective environment on campus, The University of Winnipeg honours Barb Read with the Clarence Atchison Award for Excellence in Community Service.
