


UWinnipeg Alumnae earn esteemed scholarship

Alumnae Brielle Beaudin-Reimer(BA’12,MA’16)和Majing Oloko(MA’16)都毕业于土著治理的硕士学位(MAIG)。他们继续在土著奖学金方面取得卓越的卓越表现,并继续他们的学术旅程享有盛名约瑟夫·阿曼德·庞巴迪加拿大毕业生学者。他们各自获得了价值105,000美元的博士奖学金。两位学者都遵循其独特的道路,并在Uwinnipeg的经验和土著研究中团结在一起。

麦格教授兼顾问Shailesh Shukla博士(土著研究)Shailesh Shukla博士说:“我对这些年轻的博士研究学者和关怀的母亲表示衷心的祝贺。”“这确实是这两个Maig校友在赢得这项极具竞争力的奖学金方面的杰出成就。布里尔(Brielle)和威严(Majing)展示了MAIG培训,基于社区的研究技能和土著研究经验如何帮助他们实亚愽娱乐app现学术和职业职业。他们激发了许多年轻女性通过像Uwinnipeg这样的机构来塑造未来的领导角色,这些机构尊重和编织土著知识进入学院。”

Brielle Beaudin-Reimer, photo supplied

Brielle Beaudin-Reimer, photo supplied


Her research interests include ethical protocols that are specifically difficult to navigate in research involving the Métis Nation. For the Métis Nation, the misrepresentation and misrecognition of the Nation and its citizens occurs in research ethics processes and protocols repeatedly. The practice of adopting pan-Aboriginal frameworks to distinct Indigenous Nations, such as the Métis Nation, is inappropriate, disrespectful and unethical.

布里埃尔·博丁·雷默(Brielle Beaudin-Reimer)表示:“我的博士学位论文将回应鼓励加拿大土著人民的更大道德标准的需求,这是植根于国家到国家关系的。”“我的论文将特别关注梅蒂斯国家,并探讨梅蒂斯关于研究伦理及其在加拿大行政管理的哲学,治理和政策的观点。”

Beaudin-Reimer梅蒂斯人骄傲的公民的Nation. She grew up in St. Eustache Manitoba — a small historic Métis community. She has BA in history, in addition to her MAIG. Although she loves research, her most important work is to be a committed mother, wife, aunt, sister, daughter, and friend.

“我非常喜欢Uwinnipeg,并感谢我在那里接受的教育,” Beaudin-Reimer指出。“对我来说,大学(并继续)在许多方面都是文化冲击。我相信,Uwinnipeg的规模,环境,友好和敬业的教师在鼓励我继续学习的过程中发挥了关键作用。”

安山(Majing Shimang),提供的照片

Majing Oloko,提供的照片

Oloko在她的第二次学习中也在Usaskatchewan攻读环境和可持续性博士学位。她的研究集中在研究温哥华岛西海岸的Clayoquot Sound Biosphere储备区的传统和当地粮食系统中如何参与土著和当地青年。她正在与Clayoquot Biosphere Trust,土著和当地青年以及该地区的一所中学合作。




Oloko分享道:“我可以自信地说,我在土著治理计划中的研究为我准备了高级研究,并让我了解如何以一种尊重和互惠互利的方式与土著和当地社区合作。”“ MAIG计划为我提供了平台和资源,以培养我对传统和当地食品系统领域的研究兴趣。”


“In addition, there are opportunities to interact and learn from Indigenous Elders, and local community organizations and champions,” noted Oloko. “The seasoned faculty come from a wide area of expertise so that students get support and mentorship all in one place, and I am grateful for the support I continue to receive from my former supervisor and mentorShailesh Shukla博士。”

土著研究部和土著治理的硕士学位(MAIG)is grounded in the intellectual and cultural heritage of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and around the globe. The program examines Indigenous governance through Indigenous wisdom and multidisciplinary coursework in Indigenous/Aboriginal governance and disciplines like politics, anthropology, human ecology, sociology, law, history, religious studies, and conflict resolution studies.

The program honours the central role of language as carrier of culture, conveyor of tradition and knowledge, and signifier of individual and community identity by supporting the teaching of the Indigenous languages Ojibwe and Cree.

