
彼得·蒂滕伯格(Peter Tittenberger) - 他和我


Opening reception:Thursday, February 26, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Artist talk:2月27日,星期五,下午12:30



他和我是当地艺术家彼得·蒂滕伯格(Peter Tittenberger)的个展,反映了过去35年来他实践的多样性。该节目以1979年处理的宝丽来照片进行了精选,最近拼贴了新的非功能性陶瓷以及由回收木材和其他发现物体制成的雕塑作品。

Tittenberger’s obsessive activity of traversing each street in this city, and his accompanying habit of collecting and creatively re-using some of the discarded objects he discovers along the way, result in works that reveal something about the specificity of this place and of what the artist considers his “make-do attitude and immigrant aesthetic.” He notes that “it is an attitude where what you can find to use is more important than what you can buy to use – where compromise is a given, perfection is an elusive goal, and where alternative uses are as valid as intended ones. It is an attitude and an aesthetic that underpins life in the North End as I have witnessed it over my lifetime living there.”

彼得·蒂滕伯格参与了温尼伯的视觉艺术commun吗ity for nearly four decades. He completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy at the University of Manitoba, followed by a Certificate in Photography from Red River College. After twenty years as a lens-based artist, Tittenberger pursued on-line studies and projects. In 2009, he went (back) to art school, receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours degree from the University of Manitoba in 2013. A founding member of Floating Gallery (now Platform: Centre for Photographic + Digital Arts), Tittenberger has presented his photographs in many exhibitions across Canada, including the solo show重言式在1979年的ICA插件上,小组展览纬度和相似之处1984年的温尼伯美术馆和两人展览仍然有故事(带有brask的文本)在1988年和布鲁克斯:回家(带有沃尔特·希尔德布兰特(Walter Hildebrandt)的文字)在1993年,均在1C03画廊。最近,他的陶瓷和混合媒体雕塑装置在包括AceArtinc在内的几个曼尼托巴省展览空间中展出。和西南曼尼托巴省的美术馆。Tittenberger获得了曼尼托巴艺术委员会,加拿大艺术委员会和曼尼托巴手工艺委员会的艺术奖项。


画廊1C03小时:星期一 - 星期五:12:00 - 下午4:00,星期六:1:00 - 4:00封闭了耶稣受难日。


珍妮弗·吉布森(Jennifer Gibson),画廊1C03的董事/策展人
515 Portage Ave, Winnipeg MB R3B 2E9
204.786.9253 |j.gibson@uwinnipeg.ca
