

The Criminal Justice Research Field Practicum (CJRFP) course, CJ-4800, provides criminal justice students at the University of Winnipeg with an opportunity to gain valuable experience in the field of criminal justice. Through supervision by criminal justice professionals, students acquire competencies in justice-related knowledge, skills, and abilities.


How can I register for the practicum program?

CJ-4800 Criminal Justice Research Field Practicum:该应用课程将为学生提供基于服务的学习的机会。学生每周将在先前安排的现场站点上花费八个小时,并从事研究和服务。


  1. 验证您是否符合每门课程的资格要求(下面列出)
  2. 完成在线申请to apply to the CJRFP before the deadline of April 30th
  3. Approved applicants will be contacted by the UW Coordinator in early May and provided with a departmental permission slip to register for the CJRFP for the fall and winter semesters.
  • 学生必须参加CJ荣誉计划
  • 完成CJ-1002(刑事司法简介),CJ-2100(刑事司法基金会),CJ-2101(CJ研究方法),CJ-2130(刑法)和CJ-3205(刑事司法职业道德)
  • 在其他CJ课程中完成6个学时(例如,警务,更正或受害者学)




我们的学生已经在各种执法机构(例如温尼伯警察,加拿大皇家骑警,加拿大寄宿服务机构和市区观察机构),惩教机构(例如斯特尼山),社区机构(例如,例如,亚愽娱乐app伊丽莎白·弗莱社会,约翰·霍华德社会,链接:青年和家庭支持,托巴儿童和青少年中心, inc.),法律帮助诊所和justice organizations (曼尼托巴司法)。您也可以提出自己的位置。

What will I be expected to do once I begin my placement?

As a participant of the CJRFP program, each Practicum Student is expected to:

  • 参加该机构要求的任何访谈或选择程序;
  • Inquire about and successfully complete any security procedures required by the placement agency or requested by the Practicum Supervisor;
  • 在9月至5月期间,在其安置机构完成160个小时的工作(通常,这对实践学生每周(一天,一天)完成大约7.5小时,在大学学习休息期间允许例外);和
  • 带来任何出现的问题,这可能造成obstacle to completing their practicum duties to the attention of their Practicum Supervisor and/or UW Coordinator.

Yes. In addition to your 160 placement hours, each course has course readings and assessments you must complete that go towards your grade for the course. With the exception of a small number of in person meetings scheduled in advance, your coursework and assessments will be completed using Nexus, the University of Winnipeg’s digital learning platform.

What will I gain from the CJ field placement?

The CJRFP is a unique learning experience. It provides an opportunity to observe and practice Criminal Justice work in a practical and professional setting. The CJRFP is an opportunity to develop knowledge within a professional setting that is transferrable to the workplace. Students will be able to integrate knowledge learned in the classroom with hands-on experience and focused skill-building in an out-of-classroom environment. The CJRFP is the best opportunity for a university student to gain experiential learning. Additionally, the in-class component of the CJRFP will allow for student reflection on their personal skill building process through the placement, allowing an opportunity for critical self-evaluation to further development workplace skills and competencies.




I am ready to apply. Where can I find the application form?



凯利·戈尔科夫(Kelly Gorkoff)博士k.gorkoff@uwinnipeg.ca


Student Testimonial

“In the 2019/20 school year, I held a student placement position with the D Division RCMP Major Crimes Unit (MCU) where I was an assistant to the Crime Analysts. My role was to collect, collate, and analyze data and create reports for dissemination to the Superintendent of the MCU. I was given professional training on Microsoft Excel and the RCMP’s database, both useful for my continued academic work and future career. This position gave me the opportunity to develop professional relationships, practice collaborative skills, practice ethical handling of sensitive data, further my data collection and analysis skills, and further develop efficiency in a workplace setting. I will always value this experience as it helped me to develop a practical set of tools that are only available through practice. This setting was a nice contrast to the typical academic work. Between the training I received and the experience of the placement itself, this opportunity has proved to be an asset on my resume and in both my academic and practical work. The coursework itself provides a good balance between the academic setting and the professional setting. The assignments are designed to help develop your professional skills and reflect on the experience you have had in the professional setting. In this sense, the placement is a great opportunity to not only gain professional and practical experience but critically reflect on your experience and further develop your competencies. Importantly, the placement experience allowed me to apply my academic knowledge. The students also have the benefit of having a fantastic course instructor in Dr. Heath.”

-2019/20 CJ安置学生
