
Faculty Bookshelf

Chigbo Arthur Anyaduba

后殖民的非洲种族灭绝小说: Quests for Meaningfulness.Liverpool University Press, 2021.

In后殖民的非洲种族灭绝小说, Chigbo Anyaduba examines fictional responses to mass atrocities occurring in postcolonial Africa. Through a comparative reading of novels responding to the genocides of the Igbo in Nigeria (1966-1970) and the Tutsi in Rwanda (1990-1994), the book underscores the ways that literary encounters with genocides in Africa’s postcolonies have attempted to reimagine the conditions giving rise to exterminatory forms of mass violence. The book concretizes and troubles one of the apparent truisms of genocide studies, especially in the context of imaginative literature: that the reality of genocide more often than not resists meaningfulness. Particularly given the centrality of this truism to artistic responses to the Holocaust and to genocides more generally, Anyaduba tracks the astonishing range of meanings drawn by writers at a series of (temporal, spatial, historical, cultural and other) removes from the realities of genocide in Africa’s postcolonies, a set of meanings that are often highly‐specific and irreducible to maxims or foundational cases. The book shows that in the artistic projects to construct meanings against genocide’s nihilism writers of African genocides deploy tropes that while significantly oriented to African concerns are equally shaped by the representational conventions and practices associated with the legacies of the Holocaust.

Patricia Robertson


帕特里夏·罗伯逊(Patricia Robertson)的新小说系列,螃蟹的小时,是一部洞察力和精通的作品,每个故事都展示了一个原始的愿景,有趣的角色和精致的技能。
读者将与罗伯逊(Robertson)的生动角色一起旅行,分享他们的旅程,挑战和复杂的选择。他们还将发现其他世界 - 从法国的十一世纪修道院到近未来的不列颠哥伦比亚省,在那里世界末日的野火似乎永远不会结束。

James Scoles

The Trailer.Signature Editions, 2021

预告片探索了在城市边缘平衡生活的微妙艺术 - 实际上,pres绕着社会边缘,不稳定地栖息,并不是完全遵循与琼斯保持同步的剧本。爱与损失的经历(并非准确)尖锐的边缘在此系列中建立了基础。从风格上讲,这首诗每天都在挖掘碎屑时散发出薄薄的锡墙希望和一种移动房屋的梦想世界中的喜悦,美丽和幽默,这是一场现场直播的落后。

Candida Rifkind

Documenting Trauma in Comics: Traumatic Pasts, Embodied Histories, and Graphic Reportage.Edited by Dominic Davies and Candida Rifkind. Palgrave, 2020.


其中包括16章和三个漫画Documenting Trauma in Comicsset out to answer exactly these questions. Drawing on a range of historically and geographically expansive examples, the contributors bring their different perspectives to bear on the tangled and often fraught intersections between trauma studies, comics studies, and theories of documentary practices and processes. The result is a collection that shows how comics is not simply related to trauma, but a generative force that has become central to its remembrance, documentation, and study.

珍妮·海金·威尔斯(Jenny Heijun Wills)

adoptation and multiculturalism

Adoption and Multiculturalism: Europe, the Americas, and the Pacific, University of Michigan Press, 2020.

Adoption and Multiculturalismfeatures the voices of international scholars reflecting transnational and transracial adoption and its relationship to notions of multiculturalism. The essays trouble common understandings about who is being adopted, who is adopting, and where these acts are taking place, challenging in fascinating ways the tidy master narrative of saviorhood and the concept of a monolithic Western receiving nation. Too often the presumption is that the adoptive and receiving country is one that celebrates racial and ethnic diversity, thus making it superior to the conservative and insular places from which adoptees arrive. The volume’s contributors subvert the often simplistic ways that multiculturalism is linked to transnational and transracial adoption and reveal how troubling multiculturalism in fact can be.

Jonathan Ball

the lightning of possible storms

The Lightning of Possible Storms.Book*hug Press, 2020

Aleya’s world starts to unravel after a café customer leaves behind a collection of short stories. Surprised and disturbed to discover that the book has been dedicated to her, Aleya delves into the strange book…

A mad scientist seeks to steal his son’s dreams. A struggling writer, skilled only at destruction, finds himself courted by Hollywood. A woman seeks to escape her body and live inside her dreams. Citizens panic when a new city block manifests out of nowhere. The personification of capitalism strives to impress his cutthroat boss.


珍妮·海金·威尔斯(Jenny Heijun Wills)



Winner of the 2019 Hilary Weston Writers' Trust Prize for Nonfiction


珍妮·海金·威尔斯(Jenny Heijun Wills)出生于韩国,并在加拿大小镇的一个白人家庭中被收养。在二十多岁的时候,她与第一个家庭重新建立了联系,回到首尔,在那里她花了四个月的时间认识其他收养者,以及韩国母亲,父亲,兄弟姐妹和大家庭。在她居住的跨国收养者的旅馆里,联盟因暴力而困扰,并充满了分离和文化文盲的创伤。毫不奇怪,令人心碎的是,威尔斯发现她与家人的新生关系也同样感到困惑。

安德鲁·伯克(Andrew Burke)

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Hinterland Remixed: Media, Memory, and the Canadian 1970s。McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019.


就像1970年代的加拿大文化记忆一样,像Hinterland Who Who Who的长笛旋律一样。尽管十年常常会迷失历史,但Hinterland Remixedfocuses on boldly innovative works as well as popular film, television, and music to show that Canada never fully left the 1970s behind.

安德鲁·伯克(Andrew Burke)揭示了当代艺术家和电影制片人如何重新审视该时代的电影和电视残留物,以发现多年来丢失的东西。伯克(Burke)调查了模拟过去在数字时代流传的痕迹,挖掘了1970年代加拿大的残余物,并检查了这一被忽视的十年中的关键视听作品,揭示了时期的愿望,欲望,恐惧和焦虑。然后,他研究了当代项目,使时期混音,补救和复兴。探索特殊的作品选择 - 从迈克尔·斯诺(Michael Snow)的实验性景观电影拉雷吉恩(LaRégionCentrale)到SCTV的网络电视讽刺串扰,再到L'Atelier National du Manitoba的Vinnipeg Jets的视频哀叹和内存。

A timely intervention,Hinterland Remixeddemands we recognize the ways in which the unrealized cultural ambitions and unresolved anxieties of a previous decade continue to resonate in our current lives.

Catherine Hunter

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圣博尼法斯挽歌凯瑟琳·亨特(Catherine Hunter)于2019年发表,由签名版出版。已故的悬崖Eyland的封面,旋律莫里塞特(Melody Morrissette)的书籍设计。

This collection of poems includes work that explores the soul of the city of Winnipeg, the writer's travels, and elegies upon the death of the writer's beloved husband. Winner of the 2020 Lansdowne Prize for Poetry, it was also a finalist for the Governor General's Award for Poetry, the High Plains Book Award for Poetry and Manitoba Book of the Year.

Jonathan Ball


The National Gallery.教练房屋书籍,2019年

Jonathan Ball’s fourth poetry book, the first in seven years, swirls chaos and confession together. At the book’s heart is a question: Why create art? A series of poetic sequences torment themselves over this question, offering few answers and taking fewer prisoners.

一个惊人的风格和主题的多样性into the maelstrom ofThe National Gallery, and its dark currents will draw you in to drown.

Heather Milne

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社会诗意: The Poetry of Rachel Zolf。Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2019.

社会诗意向读者介绍了加拿大最激动人心和最具挑战性的诗人之一。通过从雷切尔·佐尔夫(Rachel Zolf)的诗意作品中的选择,这本书预示着哲学,道德和政治问题,这些问题使佐尔夫的诗歌融合了。选择范围从早期诗歌探索跨历史的创伤和酷儿主观性,到研究军事主义,定居者殖民主义以及其他形式的国家批准的暴力的近期著作。佐尔夫的诗歌制定了她所说的“社会诗意”。她对道德责任的问题以及诗歌的角色和局限性的问题是一种道德思维,政治参与,问责制和证人的工具。

希瑟·米尔恩的介绍了Zolf混合涂料sitional strategies, tracing the evolution of Zolf’s writing from an autobiographical poetics, in which Zolf as subject/speaker is locatable, toward a poetics that moves beyond the self to address political and ethical relations among subjects of geopolitics and settler colonialism. In her afterword, Zolf focuses on her most recent work, in which poems are composed almost entirely from archival sources and enact a kind of collective assemblage of enunciation.



Even That Wildest Hope。无形出版,2019年。

Even That Wildest Hopebursts with vibrant, otherworldly characters—wax girls and gods-among-men, artists on opposite sides of a war, aimless plutocrats and anarchist urchins—who are sometimes wondrous, often grotesque, and always driven by passions and yearnings common to us all. Each story is an untamed territory unto itself: where characters are both victims and predators, the settings are antique and futuristic, and where our intimacies—with friends, lovers, enemies, and even our food—reveal a deeply human desire for beauty and abjection. Stylistic and primordial,Even That Wildest Hope是一个混乱的,总是令人满意的说谎者journe吗y in the baroque tradition of Angela Carter, Carmen Maria Machado, and Ted Chiang.

Heather Milne

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Poetry Matters: Neoliberalism, Affect, and the Posthuman in Twenty-First Century North American Feminist Poetics.University of Iowa Press, 2018.

Poetry Matters探索来自美国和加拿大妇女创作的诗歌,记录了二十一世纪初期的社会和政治动荡,并将这首诗与最近的女权主义理论的对话进行对话与新自由主义和资本主义。该项目的核心是信念,即探索情感政治方面的诗学。表现出对主观性的理解为后人类和跨族人;批判性地反思资本主义对酷儿,种族化和女性身体的影响;并发展了一个道德词汇,以重新构想民族国家并严格解决民主和公民身份问题,现在比以往任何时候都更加紧迫。米尔恩(Milne)专注于2001年作家在2001年发表的诗歌,他们主要是在1980年代的女权主义写作运动之后开始写作的,但他们已经继承并建立在其政治和审美遗产之上。The poets discussed in this book—including Jennifer Scappettone, Margaret Christakos, Larissa Lai, Rita Wong, Nikki Reimer, Rachel Zolf, Yedda Morrison, Marcella Durand, Evelyn Reilly, Juliana Spahr, Claudia Rankine, Dionne Brand, Jena Osman, and Jen Benka- 将政治机构感赋予诗歌。这些声音寻求新的词汇,并违反批判性和审美框架,以跨性别,实质性,资本主义,民族主义和种族主义的有毒融合以及民主制度的衰落进行思考。这是一个重要的诗歌,无论是在其政治紧迫性和对世界的关注时,都作为“物质”作为围困的物质实体。

Carla Manfredi

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Robert Louis Stevenson’s Pacific Impressions: Photography and Travel Writing, 1888-1894.Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture, Palgrave MacMillan, 2018.

This book tackles photography’s role during Robert Louis Stevenson’s travels throughout the Pacific Island region and is the first study of his family’s previously unpublished photographs. Cutting across disciplinary boundaries, the book integrates photographs with letters, non-fiction, and poetry, and includes much unpublished material. The original readings of photographs and non-fiction highlight Stevenson’s engagement with colonial ideology and reality and advance new arguments about Victorian travel, settlement, and colonialisms in the Pacific. Like the Stevensons, the book moves from the Marquesas to the atolls of the Gilbert Islands in Micronesia; from the Kingdom of Hawai‘i’s political ambitions to Samoan plantations and the Stevensons’ settlement at Vailima. Central to this study is the notion that Pacific history and Pacific Island cultures matter to the interpretation of Stevenson's work, and a rigorous historical and cultural contextualization ensures that local details structure literary and photographic interpretation. The book’s historical grounding is key to its insightful conclusions regarding travel, settlement, photography, and colonialism.

Kathleen Venema

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鸟类的草: A Memoir, in Pieces.Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2018

Shortlisted for the Alexander Kennedy Isbister Award for Non-fiction.

鸟类的草chronicles an extraordinary mother–daughter relationship that spans distance, time, and, eventually, debilitating illness. Personal, familial, and political narratives unfold through the letters that Geeske Venema-de Jong and her daughter Kathleen exchanged during the late 1980s and through their weekly conversations, which started after Geeske was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease twenty years later.

巧妙地编织了他们的信函,对话,日记条目和电子邮件更新的摘录,鸟类的草is a complex and moving exploration of memory, illness, and immigration; friendship, conflict, resilience, and forgiveness; cross-cultural communication, the ethics of international development, and letter-writing as a technology of intimacy. Throughout, it reflects on the imperative and fleeting business of being alive and loving others while they’re ours to hold.

Nora Decter

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How Far We Go and How FastOrca Book Publishers, 2018.

How Far We Go and How Fast这是温尼伯北端的一个成年故事,讲述了16岁的乔琳(Jolene)在一个充满损失的冬天时的故事。它赢得了2019年科博文学小说新兴作家奖。

DI Brandt

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Glitter and Fall.Turnstone出版社,2018年。

Shortlisted for the 2019 McNally Robinson Book of the Year Award Shortlisted for the Fred Cogswell Award for Excellence in Poetry

In this unusual collection, poet Di Brandt combines inter-continental transportation, literary re-translation and creative expression, to bring us ecstatic, inspired poems. Glitter & fall’s transinhalations of Laozi’s Dao De Jing, set in the Canadian prairies and highlighting aspects of the Divine Feminine, offer both homage to a venerable Chinese tradition and spiritual practice, and a renewed understanding of what these great poems might mean to us now.

DI Brandt


Walking to Mojacár.Turnstone出版社,2010年。

Short-listed for the 2011 McNally Robinson Book of the Year
Short-listed for the 2011 Mary Scorer Award for Best Book by a Manitoba Publisher

迪·勃兰特(Di Brandt)用她的多方面诗歌锻造新的道路,并在这个新系列中尝试了传统的诗歌形式。科学和诗歌融合了焊接和其他加入程序中的狡猾的机智和单词,这是该系列的三个部分中的第一部分。人类的爱成为核融合和其他科学融合,并具有令人愉悦的舌头语言。在大嘈杂的轮子上。/耶稣保存。/木乃伊说不要吃/鱼,/在电视上观看它们。Walking to Mojácar,将读者运送到异国情调的西班牙,带来了加拿大的体验。卡尔加里牛仔表现在西班牙南部的“牛仔竞技表演”中遇到了“晒太阳的沙漠山谷”。西班牙与布兰特的草原根并列的生动图像将读者传递到橄榄树,梅赛,鲜花和鲜艳的色彩的世界。
