The University of Winnipeg



Queen Elizabeth II Scholar talks science

Apurva Bhardwaj. ©UWinnipeg

Apurva Bhardwaj. ©UWinnipeg

Animated, articulate and bright, Apurva Bhardwaj is a Queen Elizabeth II Scholar at UWinnipeg. Bhardwaj, who is originally from India, enjoys unfolding the mystery of science and is currently pursuing a MSc in biotechnology.

Since coming to Winnipeg, Bhardwaj is has been very busy doing research and volunteering. She is currently doing research focused on understanding the novel role(s) of important proteins involved in the growth and metabolic pathways driving the onset and progression of cancers with UWinnipeg’s Dr. Shailly Varma Shrivastav (biology).

When she is not working on her research, Bhardwaj makes time to share her love for science as a mentor for high-school students as a Let’s Talk Science (LTS) volunteer. Since joining LTS, Bhardwaj has travelled across the province including going to Grand Rapids, Neepawa, Starbuck, and Cross Lake to spread her contagious love for science to students of all ages.

Bhardwaj finds teaching young people science inspiring for her, and her students, “Each of these trips instilled more and more passion in me to go for the next one,” shared Bhardwaj. “They are learning experiences for me too, for I came from a different country that has a different education system.”

Bhardwaj’s love to share science is equally infectious at the N.E.E.D.S. Centre, where she teaches refugee and immigrant students that have newly arrived to Canada.

“Students coming from different countries with different languages share the same sky rocketing zeal to learn science, which motivates me more each time!,” shared Bhardwaj.

Bhardwaj believes that hard work and perseverance pays off. Her commitment to her students and teaching science earned her theLTS Volunteer of The Year award for 2017

Bhardwaj’s long term goal is to continue connecting people to science, “I passionately want to contribute to the fraternity of sciences, cancer research, and social welfare to the best of my abilities.”

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