


Ultra-cold neutron research heats up at UWinnipeg with $15.7 million

Doug Goltz博士,Annette Trimbee博士,科学部长Jeff Martin博士Kirsty Duncan©Uwinnipeg

道格·戈尔茨(Doug Goltz)博士,科学代理院长;Shomi Ahmed,学生;David Ostapchuk,技术员;Uwinnipeg总裁兼副校长Annette Trimbee博士;杰夫·马丁博士;科学部长柯斯蒂·邓肯(Kirsty Duncan)今天在校园内宣布这一消息;Moushumi Das,学生;Uwinnipeg研究与创新副总裁Jino Distasio博士;和学生,©Uwinnipeg

WINNIPEG, MB –关于我们宇宙的难题使物理学家困扰了近一个世纪。据信,大爆炸导致相同的物质和反物质产生,但是反物质去了哪里?Uwinnipeg的物理学家Jeffery Martin博士正试图与一群国际合作伙伴团队一起解决这一谜,这些团队已从加拿大创新基金会(CFI)和其他许多贡献合作伙伴那里获得了1570万美元。

马丁和他的团队将开发新的技术来生产和研究非常缓慢的中子,称为超低中子,as well as develop new techniques in nuclear magnetic resonance, and magnetic sensing. This research can be used in the field of medicine, such as magnetic resonance imaging and magnetoencephalography, among a host of other high-tech fields. The CFI Multidisciplinary Committee (MAC), noted that Martin’s research has the potential to be Nobel Prize-worthy, and is truly exceptional.

“We are very pleased that Dr. Martin has been awarded funding through the CFI Innovation Fund, along with government, industry and international partners, for this world renowned research program,” said Dr. Annette Trimbee, UWinnipeg President and Vice-Chancellor. “As a medium-sized university, one of the things we do best is collaborate with others to have impact nationally and internationally. It is wonderful that the Government of Canada is investing in cutting-edge discovery research.”

Jeff Martin博士,©Uwinnipeg

Jeffery Martin博士,©Uwinnipeg


资金合作伙伴包括CFI(今天宣布的5,000,000美元捐款),曼尼托巴省,不列颠哥伦比亚省知识发展基金,加拿大国家粒子与核物理实验室(Triumf)和日本合作伙伴。加拿大工业合作伙伴包括几家本地曼尼托巴省公司,例如Precision ADM,Integrated Engineering软件(Winnipeg)和Acsion Industries(Pinawa)。


Uwinnipeg研究与创新副总裁Jino Distasio博士说:“这项享有声望的赠款促进并支持我们的科学研究能力。”“我们很自豪地为加拿大的专家研究做出贡献,促进卓越,并为Uwinnipeg和Triumf的学生和教职员工提供卓越的环境。这项资金以非常成功的协作研究计划为基础,我们期待将进行激动人心的研究。”

CFI总裁兼首席执行官Roseann O’Reilly-Runte博士说:“创新基金会鼓励机构及其研究人员通过进行世界一流的研究来思考大型和努力成为全球领导者。”“这项资金促使研究人员通过跨学科,机构和部门的合作来实现更高的追求。有了这一支持,机构可以基于他们当前的研究优势,并将目光投向加速研究,这将为所有加拿大人创造社会,健康,环境和经济利益。”



加拿大is currently an international leader in sub-atomic physics and we continue to produce some of the greatest minds and punch well above our weight in terms of contributing to the world’s understanding of our most enduring questions, such as “how did the universe begin?”

马丁的项目将是最先进的和先进nces in several related technological fields will be made through this cutting-edge research, primarily in cryogenic engineering, atomic and laser physics, magnetic shielding and measurement, and materials and surface science.


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