The University of Winnipeg



Elijah Harper On Campus

All invited: “Indian Residential Schools, Healing and Reconciliation”

harper-elijahWINNIPEG, MB – Renowned Aboriginal leader and activist Elijah Harper will be on campus February 4, 2009 to give a public address devoted to the topic of Indian residential schools, healing and reconciliation. The University of Winnipeg’s Aboriginal Governance program is presenting the evening as part of its Speakers Series and the public is invited to attend. There is no admission fee.

In 1990, while sitting as an opposition member in the Manitoba Legislature, Harper blocked the Canadian constitutional amendment known as the Meech Lake Accord. He cited the lack of adequate participation and recognition of Aboriginal people in that process. Later that year, he won the Stanley Knowles Humanitarian Award – the same presented to Nelson Mandela of South Africa. He was then voted as the Newsmaker of the Year in Canada for 1990 by the Canadian Press.

“One of the great national issues in Canada is the place of Aboriginal peoples in our collective vision of our country, and the question of healing and reconciliation,” said Paul Chartrand, Director of the Aboriginal Governance Program at UWinnipeg. The views of Elijah Harper on the Residential Schools question are not only timely in light of current developments, but also significant for the insights evoked by his unique experience and the trademark charisma of his delivery and presentation.”

Elijah Harper speaks:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
7:00 pm
Convocation Hall
2ndfloor, Wesley Hall, 515 Portage Avenue

Harper is the former Chief of Red Sucker Lake First Nation (1978 – 1981) and Manitoba MLA, Rupertsland Riding (1981 – 1992). As Minister of Northern Affairs he set up the Manitoba Aboriginal Justice Inquiry which included the J.J. Harper and Helen Betty Osborne cases.

Harper is an activist, promoting human and Aboriginal rights, a registered lobbyist/consultant/advisor to Aboriginal organizations, a public speaker, and is involved in charitable work with World Vision in Tanzania, Kenya and the Republic of China (Taiwan).

Elijah Harper – Distinguished Lunch Hour Visitors Program – everyone welcome

Friday Feb 06, 2009
12:30 – 1:30 pm Aboriginal Student Center, 2ndfloor Lockhart
1:30 – 3:30 pm Elijah’s Film showing at Convocation Hall, 2ndfloor Wesley Hall
Access detailed information about UWinnipeg’s Aboriginal Governance Program at
