



Jennifer Meixner,©Uwinnipeg

Jennifer Meixner,©Uwinnipeg


Social worker Jennifer Meixner was working with the Contemporary Criminal Justice System (CJS) for 10 years and realized these statistics first hand. She also recognized the system was not working for Indigenous people.


这个想法-去授权刑事司法的观点:曼尼托巴省土著创新的作用- 现在,她是她在Uwinnipeg的土著治理硕士学位的基础,在Shailesh Shukla博士(本地研究)的监督下,并得到了Uwinnipeg全球全球学院的Marsha Hanen全球对话和伦理学奖的部分支持。

Meixner想探索替代方法nd find solutions. Meixner, who is Métis, engaged the community at the grassroots level. She began her journey with Elders in the community to help direct her research and respectfully engage with the community. She explains, “I needed guidance because it wasn’t my experience. I didn’t know how to navigate within the community.”



Shalesh Shukla博士,©Uwinnipeg,Cory Aronec摄影

Dr. Shailesh Shukla, ©UWinnipeg, Cory Aronec Photography

她对土著社区领导人和组织进行了个人采访,以及两个会话圈子 - 一个与土著人一起经历了与法律发生冲突的土著亚愽娱乐app人,第二个是刑事司法系统的前一线雇员土著。

“Jennifer’s community-based action research underscores the potential of Indigenous wisdom and perspectives in informing and transforming criminal justice system outcomes in Manitoba, and hopes to inspire research to examine contributions of Indigenous wisdom-led innovations in other disciplines, including sciences,” said Shukla.

Meixner recently presented her findings at a community gathering held at the Indian & Metis Friendship Centre. Mobilizing Dialogue on Criminal Justice Interventions and the Roles of Indigenous Innovations in Manitoba included Elders, community leaders, and the community — with the purpose to engage in a meaningful dialogue, contributing insights, and connecting with like-minded change makers.


“Indigenous innovation is a revival of traditional teachings and an implementation in a modern context of traditional teachings,” explains Michael Champagne, a community leader that Meixner has engaged in the conversation. “As the definition of innovation implies something new, I would argue that majority of the quote on quote, innovative practice, we see happening in 2018 related to the justice system, especially the justice system being led by Indigenous people, is simply revival of traditional teachings as opposed to anything at all that is new.”

其他发现包括种族主义在CJS中起着重要作用。这是CJS对土著人民的有效性的重大障碍 - 这在这项研究中得到了证实,并由社区领导人(创新者)以及两个会话圈子所揭示。亚愽娱乐app这证实了先前的发现。


Meixner found participants of the study are not satisfied with the lack of response from the government to correct the injustices inherent in the criminal justice system. They talked about wanting self-determination as it relates to justice; their respective community’s own restorative justice models, responsibility for Gladue reports, community involvement in sentencing, and more culturally specific programming that is supported equally to western programming, language, and land-based programs.

Many of the Indigenous innovations (community-led action) happening right now was initiated in response to a system that continues to perpetuate the colonialism “we’re tired of waiting, so we will do it ourselves” and/or a process of reclaiming power.


