


ISSP presents Indigenous students with ‘the possible’

Dominique Carriere和Erin Sinclair

Dominique Carriere和Erin Sinclair

独特的研究h opportunities, academic mentorship, and the chance to make new connections: for students entering the Indigenous Summer Scholars Program (ISSP) at The University of Winnipeg, there are myriad reasons for excitement as their time in the program approaches.


Laura Forsythe


The goal is to strengthen pathways for Indigenous students to move into advanced study, to affirm the significance and centrality of Indigenous peoples, ways of knowing, and experiences at the University, and to create a network of Indigenous scholars and allies on campus.

对于ISSP的吸引力之一,对于Erin Sinclair和Dominique Carriere而言,建立社区感以及支持和接收亚愽娱乐app同龄人的支持。

“Even now, with Zoom, it’s hard to meet people in your class,” said Carriere, a second-year International Development Studies major. “So to have this space and build those connections with this team that’s going through the same experiences, I think it’s going to be a really special experience to do all of this with the same group of people.”

Ready to research


以五年级的心理学专业的辛克莱(Sinclair)为例,她将加入Uwinnipeg城市研究所主任兼地理副教授Gina Sylvestre博士的住房不安全感和老年妇女项目。Carriere将支持Uwinnipeg教育学院的Laura Forsythe执行Mawachihitotaak(让我们聚在一起)Métis研讨会,该研讨会将于5月3日至6日与Winnipeg Art Gallery和Qaumajuq合作。然后,Carriere将协助记录这一事件,作为Forsythe案例研究的一部分,内容涉及创建特定于Métis的学术空间的重要性。

当研究人员领导项目时,西尔维斯特(Sylvestre)和福赛斯(Forsythe)的目标是指导他们的受训者进行研究过程。Forsythe解释了Kerlicthe Wahkohtowin是如何对我们的亲属关系的相互联系和责任哲学 - 是她希望作为首次参与者带给ISSP的重要组成部分。

福赛斯说:“对我们的研究团队,多米尼克(Dominique)接触了许多不同的事情,而不仅仅是‘好吧,您必须汇总数据,这确实很重要。”“只显示一件东西,一件事。It is our hope – and I have expressed to Dominque – that once we’re finished and getting published, she’ll be listed as one of the co-authors because she’ll be a part of that and a part of the research.”

What works well in service of the program, as well, is the summer timeline, said Sylvestre. Generally, a student working with a researcher throughout fall and winter terms could have to contend with a steady class schedule. That isn’t the case in ISSP.





西尔维斯特(Sylvestre)说:“她将学习寻找文学作品,确定什么是最好的,等等。”“这是学习进入第四年的好技能。作为一名本科生,要获得这一点,而不仅仅是为课程进行研究项目和作业 - 这样,您实际上与团队合作并可以向他们学习。”

And in giving more Indigenous students the opportunity to have such experiences, it creates an all-important understanding of where their educational journey can take them.


有关土著夏季学生计划的更多信息,并了解如何参与其中,请访问the ISSP website或通过mek.wickramasinghe@uwinnipeg.ca与Mekala Wickramasinghe联系。

