The University of Winnipeg




Sandra Delaronde,Patricia Parker博士和Thomas Denton获得了荣誉博士学位


2020 Honorary Doctorates, Sandra DeLaronde, Dr. Patricia Parker, and Thomas Denton. Photos provided.

Three exceptional community leaders: Sandra DeLaronde, Dr. Patricia Parker, and Thomas Denton will receive honorary degrees at The University of Winnipeg’s spring convocation ceremonies taking place virtually on Thursday, June 10 and Friday, June 11, 2021.

“The University is proud to recognize their outstanding work with honorary degrees. They are innovative leaders who generously share their time and knowledge to amplify voices and strengthen community,” said Dr. James Currie, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor.

Sandra DeLaronde — champion of social change

Sandra DeLaronde will be recognized with an Honorary Doctor of Laws at the virtual ceremony on6月10日,星期四,上午9:30。

一位充满激情的社区建设者不亚愽娱乐app懈地工作,以扩大曼尼托巴省的土著人民的声音,使她一生的工作结束了暴力,并支持失踪和谋杀的妇女,女孩和两名奔放的人(MMIWG2S)的家庭。她在一个强大而充满活力的梅蒂斯一家中长大,是Cross Lake First Nation的成员,扎根于Duck Bay的Métis定居点。

As co-chair of Manitoba’s MMIWG2S Coalition, she is a powerful voice for Manitoba families in the Commission of a National Inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls and 2-Spirited Persons, ensuring the hearts of families and survivors are honoured and protected.

德拉伦德(Delaronde)慷慨地与他人分享她的知识和文化。作为Oyate Wiwanyang Wacipi(圣丹斯)和白色水牛城的心脏的头女性,她在加强土著仪式,实践和传统中起着至关重要的作用。



托马斯·丹顿(Thomas Denton) - 人权倡导者

Thomas Denton will be recognized with an Honorary Doctor of Laws at the virtual ceremony onThursday, June 10 at 2:30 pm.

在一个非凡的、多样的和装饰汽车eer, Thomas Denton has left an indelible mark on the city, province, and country in myriad ways, none greater than his ceaseless efforts to improve the lives of the oppressed and marginalized who have sought a higher station of life in Canada.

Through his work, he helped reshape Winnipeg’s downtown core into one of the most welcoming and culturally diverse in Canada, created transitional housing for those arriving in the city, and doggedly fought for government support of subsidized housing. But Denton was more than a behind-the-scenes figure to those he helped. He has been personally involved in the settling of more than 40,000 individuals in Canada and has at times been a one-man welcoming committee — on hand to greet many of those whose first destination was Winnipeg.

登顿一直是温尼伯艺术界不可或缺的贡献者。亚愽娱乐app1980年,在温尼伯论坛报(Winnipeg Tribune)关闭后,他成为温尼伯太阳的创始出版商,直到1983年出售,他一直保留了这一职位。此外,他是成功努力拯救温尼伯交响曲的受托人之一。丹顿(Denton)也是温尼伯艺术委员会市的第一位主席,曾在众多委员会,委员会和董事会中任职众多志愿者 - 包括草原剧院交易所,舞台西部,皇家曼尼托巴剧院中心,沃克剧院和曼尼托巴省博物馆的志愿者。。

Dr. Patricia Parker — innovative educator

Dr. Patricia Parker will be recognized with an Honorary Doctor of Laws at the virtual ceremony on6月11日,星期五,上午9:30。

For more than 40 years, Dr. Parker has been a dedicated and innovative educator, academic, scholar, and author. Her ties to The University of Winnipeg date back to 1967, when she graduated from United College. After receiving her MA in English at the University of Toronto, Parker taught for three years in Tanzania as a CUSO volunteer, first for the Ministry of Education and then as a lecturer at the University of East Africa. After completing her PhD in Comparative Literature at Yale, she returned to the University of Toronto where she taught for 11 years.

帕克(Parker's)被称为莎士比亚最原始的口译员之一Shakespeare from the Margins坚持认为他的语言必须以各种角度来解释,包括种族,宗教,性和性别,将她放在莎士比亚研究的中心。

Parker has made it her mission to bring literature to those outside the university by organizing public festivals and working with students to create performance-based programs within the community. Most notably, she’s the editor of the nearly two-million-word斯坦福全球莎士比亚百科全书, which will be launched in 2021-22 as an open-access online resource for students, scholars, and the public.

A sought-after speaker, Parker has lectured all over the world, from France, Germany, and Spain, to Australia, New Zealand, and the Czech Republic. She has also been a Gauss Seminar lecturer at Princeton, was a Shakespeare’s Birthday lecturer at Folger Shakespeare Library, and was named a Northrop Frye Professor in Literary Theory at the University of Toronto.

In recognition of exceptional service, achievement, and distinction, The University of Winnipeg presents a variety of awards to deserving members of the University family and wider community twice annually at convocation. Find out more at2021 Spring Convocation

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