The University of Winnipeg



Senate approves principle of Indigenous course requirement

The University of Winnipeg Senate, which is responsible for academic governance, today approved — in principle — a motion that will make Indigenous learning part of the undergraduate degree requirements for all UWinnipeg students. The motion was based on the Indigenous Requirement Proposal put forth last month by The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) and the Aboriginal Students’ Council, in consultation with the University’s Indigenous Advisory Council.

“Students will have the opportunity to learn about Indigenous perspectives and build positive relations with Indigenous peoples” said Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie, Co-President of the Aboriginal Students Council.” This is one step of many we must take together.”

“We are proud to partner with Indigenous student leaders to move this initiative forward” said Rorie Mcleod Arnould, UWSA President. “Continuing in this spirit of solidarity is essential as we try to create brighter futures for all communities based on mutual respect and understanding.”

“Today is a good day for The University of Winnipeg – as well as for the broader community: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada” said Wab Kinew, Associate Vice-President, Indigenous Affairs. “The University of Winnipeg is a leader in Indigenous inclusion and we are excited about the positive impact today’s development will have on the upcoming generation of leaders and citizens.”

“We are very proud of the vision and leadership demonstrated by our students,” said Dr. Annette Trimbee, President and Vice-Chancellor of UWinnipeg. “We have taken an important step on the path to a better, more understanding, and inclusive society. The University of Winnipeg is proud to be a catalyst for positive change.”

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