The University of Winnipeg



UWinnipeg hosts a range of events related to Indigenous history, culture, art


UWinnipeg’s Aboriginal Student Services Centre hosted an event on June 7 celebrating First Nation, Métis, and Inuit graduates.

Throughout the month of June, The University of Winnipeg is hosting a range of events related to Indigenous history, culture, art.

New language banners installed to celebrate Indigenous language


As you ride the escalators in Centennial, you will notice new Indigenous language banners welcoming you to campus. These banners, decorated with artwork by Oji-Cree artist Jordan Stranger, represent the importance of language revitalization and inclusion. An accompanying artwork is being installed in Centennial building ahead of Indigenous Peoples Day as UWinnipeg’s way of saying “tawâw, iyuskin, iindigen, wotziye, tunngasugit, pee-piihtikweek, bonjour, waaciye, tánsi, kuwa, and welcome” to all visitors, students, faculty, and staff who connect, work, and study on campus


The University of Winnipeg celebrated First Nation, Métis, and Inuit graduates during a special Indigenous Graduation Ceremony on June 7. In keeping with cultural celebration traditions, the event included traditional Indigenous drumming, Métis fiddling, the Wii Chiiwaakanak PowWow Club dancers, and ASSC Elder well-wishes.纪念毕业生的礼物包括Uwinnipeg原住民学生服务中心为每个学生准备的各种项目。查看庆祝活动Flickr

Conference: The National Report on MMIWG: The University Responds

This conference, to be held at The University of Winnipeg, will be a gathering of scholars, activists, educators, community and family members of MMIWG2S, direct student service providers and students to think together about ways in which the Calls for Justice might be effectively addressed within the university context. Indigenous women’s and 2S voices will be centered in all levels of the discussion.现在注册。

希拉,桑德拉·德拉龙德,Karine杜哈梅are the three keynote speakers.

6月17日,星期五,下午2:30 -4:00
免费主题演讲者活动:Karine Duhamel
(Still) Reclaiming Power and Place: Reflections on the Three-Year Anniversary of the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Karine Duhamel博士是Anishinaabe-Métis,拥有艾莉森大学的文学学士学位,莱克黑德大学的教育学士学位以及曼尼托巴大学的硕士学位和哲学博士。Duhamel博士以前是温尼伯大学的兼职教授,在那里她开发并教授了有关居民学校历史和遗产的课程。亚愽国际app下载她还曾担任Yerch Law Corporation研究主任,并根据《印度居民学校和解协议》进行了与主张有关的研究。从2018年到2019年,Duhamel博士担任国家研究局局长和谋杀土著妇女和女孩的研究主管,起草了最终报告,并管理法医文件审查项目和旧版档案。她现在是一名公务员,致力于在各级政府中实施国家调查的呼吁。该活动是免费的,向公众开放,但pre-registration is required

Friday, June 17, 7:00-8:30 pm
Free keynote speaker event: Sheila North
My Privilege, My Responsibility. Stories of Virtue and the Ability to Survive and Excel in Spite of Being Impacted by Violence and Issues of MMIW, MMIWG2S+

Sheila North是CBC新闻深夜的主持人。她还是前曼尼托巴·基瓦蒂诺维·奥基马卡纳克(Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak)的前校长,该主管代表曼尼托巴省的三十北民族。她是有史以来第一个担任这个职位的女人。她还是马尼托巴酋长大会的前首席传播官。诺斯(North)在2018年担任第一民族议会议会主管的职务。诺斯(North)是前CTV记者,被提名为双子座奖,担任CBC记者。她的新闻业长期以来涵盖了MMIWG,2019年,她发布了有关该问题的纪录片,标题为“ 1200+”。对于这部纪录片,她与家人紧密合作,他们分享了他们关于亲人失踪的故事。该活动是免费的,向公众开放,但pre-registration is required

免费主题演讲者活动:Sandra Delaronde

桑德拉·德拉隆德(Sandra Delaronde)是克罗斯湖(Cross Lake)第一民族的成员,其根源是鸭湾(Duck Bay)的梅蒂斯(Métis)定居点。在整个杰出职业生涯中,她为自己的生活做出了努力,以引起人们对失踪和被谋杀的土著妇女和女孩以及两人谋杀的人(MMIWG2)的关注。她曾担任曼尼托巴省MMIWG2S联盟的联席主席。德拉伦德(Delaronde)帮助制定和监督了2000年成立的海伦·贝蒂·奥斯本(Helen Betty Osborne)纪念奖学金,以纪念1976年在PAS中被谋杀的年轻女子。德拉伦德(Delaronde)与他人分享她的知识和文化。作为Oyate Wiwanyang Wacipi(圣丹斯)和白色水牛城的心脏的头女性,她在加强土著仪式,实践和传统中起着至关重要的作用。该活动是免费的,向公众开放,但pre-registration is required

Tuesday, June 21, 2022
UWinnipeg launches the Manitoba Indigenous TB History website


  • TB history.这包括曼尼托巴省土著结核病历史的概述以及TB疗养院和印度医院的个别历史
  • Archival Photo Database.我们已经将照片集扩展到了2019年由曼尼托巴肺协会捐赠给MITHP的照片的数字副本,其中包括来自加拿大各地档案馆的图像和向MITHP捐赠的私人照片捐赠。这些照片可通过可搜索的照片数据库在网站上访问。
  • 结核病档案。这个正在进行的项目涉及在曼尼托巴肺协会的许可下数字化曼尼托巴省疗养院委员会的出版物,包括年度报告,Bulletinnewsletter, and the健康使者
  • 出版物和资源。该网站提供了我们的MITHP团队的出版物,视频讲座,访谈和播客的访问权限,以及策划的书籍,文章,纪录片,公开演讲和有关加拿大土著TB历史的播客。
  • The MITHP Blog.我们将继续发布有关我们的研究和有关MITHP活动的最新信息的简短文章。

Community event: First Annual STEM Day hosted by Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre

Adding to the STEM outreach hosted by Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre, the first annual STEM day will bring the entire grades 1-8 classes from Niji Makhwa School for a range of activities such as: Anishinaabe astronomy in a pop-up planetarium; a STEAM room with multiple activities hosted by volunteers, UM staff and UW faculty; a chemistry room with multiple stations hosted by volunteers, UM staff, and UW faculty; coding/robotics, dry ice experiments with Dr. Russ Mammei; digital media creation using procreate; a stethoscope activity with MLA Uzoma Asagwara; stop-go animation workshops; and others. For more information contact Julie Hiebert


The 2022 Auviqsaqtut Inuit Studies Conference will be held at Qaumajuq, the Inuit Art Centre at the Winnipeg Art Gallery.


  • 艺术供应商Alley:6月20日星期一至21日,上午8:30 - 下午6:00和6月22日:亚愽国际app下载8:30 AM-下午4:00,前往温尼伯大学的洛克哈特大厅,见15多名才华横溢的艺术家和创作者将在整个会议期间出售令人惊叹的物品,包括但不限于海豹系耳环,驼鹿手套和拖鞋,串珠珠宝,绘画等。Learn more.
  • 书展:6月20日至21日至6月22日至6:00 pm 6月22日至6:00 pm到温尼伯大学百年纪念和洛克哈特大厅的交界处亚愽国际app下载从以下书籍公平供应商在因纽特人研究会议上:知识历史,曼尼托巴大学出版社,居住媒体,居住教育书籍,埃丁·埃特维斯大学的研究,努纳武特北极学院媒体(NAC)和Goose Lane Editions。

Having the world’s largest collection of contemporary Inuit art right beside the University provides a unique opportunity for students, faculty, and community members to learn the history, languages, and art.Learn more

艺术展览:katinngakBY MARK IGLOLIORTE AND我累了马克·贝内特(Mark Bennett)

Nunatsiavut艺术家Mark Igloliorte和Inuk Designer Mark Bennett由Nunatsiavut艺术家Mark Igloliorte和乙烯基墙艺术装置的两个独奏艺术展览展出了新的和最新的雕塑装置。这些画廊1C03展出了Franchesca Hebert-Spence策划的,并与2022年因纽特人研究会议:Auviqsaqtut一起展出。Learn more

Mark Igloliorte的展览katinngak在与他职业生涯早期的视频作品对话中,有新的和最新的雕塑装置。伊格洛特(Igloliorte)非常重视过程,重复和实验,将概念和主题编织在一起,包括观察性参与,滑板文化和公共空间以及语言。Mark Igloliorte是Nunatsiavut艺术家,散文家和教育家。他的方法学在浏览殖民机构,激活公共空间和自己学习Inuktitut的旅程时也可以充当教学法。总部位于多伦多的INUK设计师

Mark Bennettpremieres his work in Winnipeg with我累了,,,,a vinyl wall art installation. Bennett reflects on burnout within the arts, explores the importance of digital communications as a tool for community building in the absence of in-person gatherings and underscores the vital need for critical discussions around identity, community responsibility and institutional pressures.画廊1C03展示了两个个展:

Speaker Series event: UWinnipeg Postdoctoral Fellow Anne Lindsay taking part in North End Stories Speaker Series

Uwinnipeg博士后Anne Lindsay和Maureen Matthews将在国家土著人民日谈论卢克斯顿地区的早期历史。Learn moreand注册参加

