The University of Winnipeg



UWinnipeg’s 2014 NSERC Research Grants Announced

Dr. Chris Bidinosti at the Tokyo Institute of Technology's Tsubame supercomputer

Dr. Chris Bidinosti at the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s Tsubame supercomputer

WINNIPEG, MB –The University of Winnipeg is pleased to have been awarded additional Government of Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) funding; the latest awards come via four Discovery Grants and a NSERC Graduate Scholarship. This NSERC completion totals $485,000* for University of Winnipeg researchers. UWinnipeg academics are attracting significantly more research dollars to campus. External research grants now exceed $7.5 million, an increase of 175% in the past decade and a 60% increase just in the last five years.

The latestDiscovery Grants被授予四UWinnipeg研究者five-year period. The faculty members receiving these grants areDr. Athar Ata*, chemistry, Phytochemical Studies on Medicinally Important Plants;Dr. Christopher Bidinosti, physics, Enabling new disruptive magnetic imaging technologies through advanced instrument design;Dr. Sara Good, biology, Evolution of the insulin superfamily in teleosts: diversification, sub-functionalization and role in euryhaline adaptation;Dr. Stephen Smith, psychology, Functional MRI Investigations Characterizing an Emo-Motoric Network of Emotional Experience.

“UWinnipeg continues to undertake leading scientific research,” expressed Dr. Jino Distasio, UWinnipeg Associate Vice President, Research and Innovation and Director, Institute of Urban Studies. “This round of successful NSERC awards further illustrates UWinnipeg’s active and diverse faculty who are leading cutting edge work in a number of important fields. This round of announcements is important and we continue to work toward surpassing the $1.5 million total received in 2012/2013 via NSERC. ”

UWinnipeg’s NSERC Graduate Scholarship has been awarded toAllysonMenzies, biology. This is a three-year scholarship tenable during the first five years of doctoral studies worth $35,000 per year.

“Our support for researchers and students through Discovery Grants and scholarships is laying the foundation for Canada’s future prosperity and continued quality of life,” said Janet Walden, Chief Operating Officer, NSERC. “Building on this dynamic research environment, NSERC’s scholarships and fellowships are attracting and cultivating new talent with the skills necessary for the growth of our knowledge-based economy.”

NSERC is a federal agency that helps make Canada a country of discoverers and innovators for all Canadians. The agency supports some 30,000 post-secondary students and postdoctoral fellows in their advanced studies. It promotes discovery by funding more than 12,000 professors every year and fosters innovation by encouraging more than 1,500 Canadian companies to participate and invest in post-secondary research projects.

*Dr. Ata will receive $25,000 for one year.

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