

The Hudson’s Bay Company Archives Research Centre was formed at The University of Winnipeg in 1984, and was renamed the Rupert’s Land Research Centre (RLRC) the following year. Envisioned as a kind of successor to the Hudson’s Bay Record Society, whose unfortunate demise was imminent at the time, it was a membership-based organization promoting the rich history of the area once known as Rupert’s Land. The RLRC promoted documentary publishing, issued a newsletter, organized regular colloquiums, and created the foundation for today’s Harington Fellowship.

In 1996, under the direction of Dr. Jennifer S.H. Brown, the Centre for Rupert’s Land Studies (CRLS) took over the functions of the RLRC. Today, the CRLS continues to foster interdisciplinary research and communication among all who share an interest in the history and peoples of Rupert’s Land, with a particular emphasis on Indigenous and fur trade history.


该中心也为其对温尼伯大学的学生的支持而感到自豪,该学生在鲁珀特的土地研究方面进行高级研究。亚愽国际app下载C. Richard Harington博士成立于1986年,并补充了捐助者的另外两项重大贡献,现在已经为中心的工作和研究提供了支持,通常为每年26名学生(通常每年一名)。七名前研究员已经完成了博士学位,其中一名成为该中心现任董事。


该中心已与其他合作伙伴合作,努力传播信息并促进理解。在2003年至2005年之间,该中心与Cree Historian和讲故事的路易斯·伯德(Louis Bird)合作,抄录了他的80多个故事,并在2003年至2005年之间。www.ourvoices.ca。与CRLS教师和研究人员合作编辑的两本书也来自这项工作。

More recently, CRLS collaborated with the Pimicikamak First Nation (Cross Lake, MB) to write a history of their community that could serve them in an arbitration case. Rupert’s Land assistant Anne Lindsay was its prime author and researcher, with assistance from Dr Jennifer S.H. Brown. In 2010, they produced an award-winning report of over 400 pages, which assembled all the documentary material that could be found pertaining to the community.

从其起源中心已经走了很长的路ing run from faculty offices. We now occupy dedicated space on the mezzanine above the fifth floor of The University of Winnipeg Library. This space houses offices, a reading room, and the Elizabeth Losey Fur Trade Library (close to 1000 books, many of them rare and out of print), as well as a substantial collection of publications on Métis history, other Indigenous and fur-trade-related volumes, and a collection of close to 70 unpublished dissertations and theses relating to these areas donated by long-time CRLS Director, Dr Jennifer S.H. Brown. Students and researchers, both within and outside UW, appreciate CRLS as an excellent source of resources and guidance in regard to Indigenous and fur trade research projects.

从2004年到2011年,Jennifer S.H.博士布朗担任加拿大研究主席(Tier 1),CRL是此类椅子旨在帮助创建的“卓越中心”。2009年,CRLS成为温尼伯大学H. Sanford Riley历史中心的成员。亚愽国际app下载最新的西北公司捐赠基金从2012年开始,这是一笔巨大的推动力,对该中心的工作充满信心。当中心进入2017年第33年时,未来看起来光明。
