
Message from the Dean

道格·戈尔茨(Doug Goltz)在2019 - 2020年,温尼伯大学科学学院在课堂和研究方面又获得了学年成功。亚愽国际app下载我们的学生从他们从我们敬业的教师那里获得的讲座和研究经验中获得的丰富经历中受益匪浅。2019年,温尼伯大学理学亚愽国际app下载学士学位课程(4年和荣誉)化学学士学位已获得加拿大化学学会(CSC)的认可。该认证认可该部门正在符合国家标准,在课堂和教学实验室中提供高质量的本科生教育。

As a school that prides itself with undergraduate teaching, our students also experienced many opportunities to answer research questions under the supervision of our Faculty in the field and in the laboratory. Departments such as Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physics, Environmental Studies and Sciences completed their senior undergraduate research courses successfully with students giving their presentations in person (Biology) or using an on-line format with ZOOM (Anthropology, Geography). Many of our undergraduate students who completed various research projects during the summer also participated in the 14Th兰迪·科比斯(Randy Kobes)的本科海报研讨会which took place on September 18th. This year, a total of 33 students presented their work and prizes were awarded for the best posters in 4 categories: (1) Social Sciences; (2) Biological Sciences; (3) Experimental Physical Sciences; and (4) Mathematical & Theoretical Physical Sciences. The hard work of Jenna Russell, Melanie Martin and Andrea Wiebe made this year’s group the largest group of participants to date.

Students from the Department of Applied Computer Science competed at the North American Region Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) at the University of Manitoba in November. The UW’s Wesmen Coding Team consisting of Dilbarjot Randhawa, Aalekh Patel, and Harsh Patel were the top Manitoba team and they were in the top 10 per cent of 170 teams competing across the North Central North America Region, which includes Minnesota, Wisconsin, Western Ontario, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

学生成功的其他例子包括Sidney Leggett(应用计算机科学),他是加拿大各地的四个本科生之一,他们受到亚瑟·B·麦当劳加拿大天体研究所研究所的2020年2020年跨学科实习计划。这个机会为非物理专业的专业提供了10,000美元的资金,以参与Astroparpicle物理研究。Alwyn Go (MSc student – Biology) was recognized with a ‘2019 Genome Publication Award’ for his paper entitled ‘Altered expression of cell adhesion genes and hybrid male sterility between subspecies of Drosophila pseudoobscura’, Genome, 2019, 62(10): 657–663. This award recognizes publications that make ‘substantial and notable contributions to genetics’ and are among the top 10 papers published in the journal ‘Genome’ (Canadian Science Publishing). Post-doctoral Fellow Dr. Yvonne Dzal was awarded a Liber Ero Fellowship ($140,000) to continue research aimed at improving the survival of bats affected by White Nose Syndrome. Dr. Dzal has been working with UWinnipeg’s Dr. Craig Willis in the Department of Biology.

过去的一年提供了许多在科学学院成功进行研究活动的例子。4月下旬,Bidinosti教授(物理学)和亨利(Applied Computer Science)从西方多元化(Western Diversification)获得了2,451,167美元,以与企业机器智能和学习计划(EMILI)合作,以促进机器学习并发展Manitoba的数字农业行业。11月,诺拉·卡森(Nora Casson)获得了加拿大创新基金会(CFI)的资金(100,000美元),用于水质分析实验室,该实验室位于理查森环境与科学学院。Mirjana Roksandic博士获得了CFI -John R. Evans领导人基金(JELF)资金(75,000美元)的“运动,互动,韧性,适应性(MIRA):人类环境互动研究的综合实验室。Ivan Roksandic博士获得了加拿大社会科学与人文研究委员会(SSHRC)的97,554美元,以授予其跨大西洋平台的赠款,旨在将Marãiwatsédé和圣马克斯圣马克斯的Xavante领土的神圣地点解放。Roksandic是该项目的PI,以及C.R. Prens博士(美国联邦De圣保罗 - 巴西)和K.Górka博士(U.Wrocław - 波兰)。

In December, Dr. Jaime Cidro received a major award ($3.5 million – 5 years) from Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for her project: ‘Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR)’, which is designed to support Indigenous self-determination in research. The Chair of Anthropology noted that ‘this is the biggest CIHR grant UWinnipeg has ever been awarded and is a continuation of Jaime’s commitment to community-based Indigenous health research’. Dr. Cidro (Anthropology) was also one of three Principal Investigators on a grant through the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) to support Manitoba Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR) ($3,837,032). Their proposal is entitled: Kishaadigeh: Indigenous Self Determination through Research for our Future Generations. Canada Research Chair and University of Winnipeg Professor, Dr. Christopher Wiebe, has been named a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) for his outstanding contributions to the advancement of chemistry.

科学学院再次参加了许多外展活动,为我们的当地社区提供了重要的教育作用。亚愽娱乐appDr. Tabitha Wood, Department of Chemistry, continued her work as an organizer of ‘Science Rendezvous’ in May 2019. Rebecca Stephenson organized and prepared for another highly successful High School Enrichment Program in April 2019. Unfortunately, after the decision was made to cancel this event, students were not able to benefit from the hard work of our Instructors in this program. The University of Winnipeg’s external lecture series (Skywalk, Fred Douglas Place, Portsmouth, Wellington) was also very successful thanks to the volunteers who were able to participate and to Jenna Russell for her organizational skills.

Finally, it would be difficult to think of 2018-2019 without considering the magnitude of the problem faced by the UW Science Faculty and Staff when COVID-19 appeared late in the winter term. A pandemic was simply not something we were fully prepared to deal with. Everyone in the Faculty was forced to pivot very quickly to adapt their courses for on-line delivery. I’m sure there were some small bumps along the way, but everyone, including our students, showed their remarkable resilience in making this adjustment . I am amazed at how quickly and efficiently all of the Department Chairs dealt with requests from the Dean’s office. My sincere thanks goes to them for their calm approach to dealing with a very stressful event. As well as making the Dean’s job easier, they provided my office, their colleagues and our students with peace of mind.

Finally, sincere thanks must go to Rebecca Stephenson, Jenna Russell and Tabitha Wood in the Dean’s Office. Their patience and hard work for the Faculty of Science and the University of Winnipeg is very much appreciated.

科学院长Doug Goltz博士
