
Shauna MacKinnon

Shauna MacKinnon标题:教授兼主席(2022年7月 - 2023年1月)
办公室:Room 129, 541 Selkirk Avenue


Dr. MacKinnon is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Urban and Inner-City studies. She has conducted research on social and economic issues for over 20 years with a focus on public policy, poverty and inequality. Dr. MacKinnon is most interested in research that focuses on issues identified by individuals living in poverty and those working closely with them. Dr. MacKinnon subscribes to a social justice, community-based participatory research approach to research, actively engaging with community partners beyond research, to mobilize knowledge and use research as a tool to advocate for progressive change.

麦金农博士自2003年以来一直担任曼尼托巴研究联盟(MRA)的共同评估者和研究流的领导者。2020年,MRA获得了7年,250万美元的社会科学人文研究委员会(SSHRC)合作伙伴赠款的授予对于社区驱动的“亚愽娱乐app贫困解决方案:挑战和可能性”项目。2020年9月,在长期MRA首席调查员,朋友和同事约翰·洛克斯利(John Loxley)博士突然去世后,麦金农博士被她的同龄人任命为接替洛克斯利(Loxley)博士为新的MRA首席研究员。


Dr. MacKinnon is proud to be the Chair of the Department of Urban and Inner-City Studies, situated in Merchants Corner in the heart of Winnipeg’s North End. She believes strongly in place-based pedagogical approach that privileges the voices and experiences of those who have been excluded from mainstream education. Dr. MacKinnon believes that bringing Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to learn together in the small, supportive space in Winnipeg’s North End is an important step in the truth and reconciliation process. She maintains a website focused on teaching at Merchants Corner atwww.shaunamac.com



Dr. MacKinnon’s recent course offerings include: Introduction to Urban and Inner-City Studies (UIC-1001); Urban Poverty and Policy (UIC-2220; Community Organizing (UIC-3210); Special Issues: Universal Basic Income (UIC-3100).

Shauna MacKinnon Blog




MacKinnon, Shauna (Editor). 2018. Practising Community-Based Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment and Mobilization. Vancouver. UBC Press-Purlich Books.

Mackinnon,Shauna。2015。非殖民化就业:劳动力市场的原住民包容性。温尼伯:嗯。(这是shortl出版isted for the Alexander Kennedy Isbister Award for Non-Fiction in 2016.)

Fernandez,Lynne,Shauna Mackinnon和Jim Silver编辑。2015。曼尼托巴省健康的社会决定因素。第二版。温尼伯:加拿大政策替代方案曼尼托巴省。出版日期2015年9月。

Chapters in books:

Fiola, Chantal and Shauna MacKinnon. In press.“城市和市中心研究:使自己和温尼伯大学非殖民化”。亚愽国际app下载在加拿大非殖民教育和非殖民教育。多伦多:加拿大学者。

伯纳斯,柯斯滕。和Shauna Mackinnon。2015年。“曼尼托巴省的贫困”。在Lynne Fernandez,Shauna Mackinnon和Jim Silver。eds。曼尼托巴省健康的社会决定因素。温尼伯: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Bernas Kirsten and Shauna MacKinnon. 2015. “Policy Advocacy and the Social Determinants of Health.” In Lynne Fernandez, Shauna MacKinnon, and Jim Silver, eds.曼尼托巴省健康的社会决定因素。温尼伯: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Brownlee, Clark and Shauna MacKinnon. 2018. “The Right to Housing Coalition Story.” In Shauna MacKinnon, ed.Practising Community-Based Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment and Mobilization.Vancouver: UBC Press-Purich Books.

Mackinnon,Shauna。2018. “Integrating Indigenous Ways of Knowing into Community-Based Evaluation”. In Caroline Andrew, Fran Klodawsky, and Jane Siltanen, eds.寻求加拿大市政当局的公平和包容性。蒙特利尔/金斯敦:麦吉尔 - 皇家大学出版社。

MacKinnon, Shauna and Jim Silver. 2018. “Social Inclusion Through Intergenerational Neighbourhood Based Learning”. In Caroline Andrew, Fran Klodawsky, and Jane Siltanen. eds.寻求加拿大市政当局的公平和包容性。蒙特利尔/金斯敦:麦吉尔 - 皇家大学出版社。

Mackinnon,Shauna。2018年。“城市内部报告:CBPR 10年”。在Shauna Mackinnon编辑中。PracticingCommunity Based Participatory Research::Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization.温哥华:UBC Press- Purich书籍。

Mackinnon,Shauna与Josie Hill和Diane Roussin。2018年。“我们在一起有影响力:它始于信任。在Shauna Mackinnon编辑中。PracticingCommunity Based Participatory Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization.温哥华:UBC Press- Purich书籍。

MacKinnon, Shauna, Janet Nowatzki and Darlene Klyne. 2018. “Participatory Evaluation: The CEDA Pathways to Education story.” In Shauna MacKinnon, ed.PracticingCommunity Based Participatory Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization.温哥华:UBC Press- Purich书籍。

Mackinnon,Shauna,Claire Friesen和Carole O’Brien。2018年。“打破障碍建造桥梁:城市中具有挑战性的种族,空间和世代相传。”在Shauna Mackinnon编辑中。PracticingCommunity Based Participatory Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization.温哥华:UBC Press- Purich书籍。

Mackinnon,Shauna。2018. “Community Based Participatory Research: Promise, Possibility and Policy Change.” In Shauna MacKinnon, ed.PracticingCommunity Based Participatory Research: Stories of Engagement, Empowerment, and Mobilization.温哥华:UBC Press- Purich书籍。

Mackinnon,Shauna。2014年。“紧缩和原住民培训政策”。在Donna Baines和Stephen McBride编辑中。Orchestrating Austerity in Canada。Halifax: Fernwood Press.


Mackinnon,Shauna。2010年。“曼尼托巴省的贫困”。在曼尼托巴省健康的社会决定因素。在Lynne Fernandez,Shauna Mackinnon和Jim Silver编辑中。温尼伯:加拿大政策替代中心MB。

Mackinnon,Shauna。2010年。“住房:曼尼托巴省的主要问题。”在Lynne Fernandez,Shauna Mackinnon和Jim Silver编辑中。The social determinants of health in Manitoba。温尼伯:加拿大政策替代中心MB。

MacKinnon, Shauna and Lynne Fernandez. 2010. “Unemployment and Precarious Employment as Social Determinants of Health.” In Lynne Fernandez, Shauna MacKinnon and Jim Silver, eds.曼尼托巴省健康的社会决定因素。温尼伯:加拿大政策替代中心MB。

Mackinnon,Shauna。2000. “Workfare in Manitoba.” In Jim Silver, ed.Solutions that Work: Fighting Poverty in Winnipeg.温尼伯: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and Fernwood.



MacKinnon, S. (2019). Doing Research Differently: Learning from Indigenous Women. Vol 7 (1) Universitas Forum. Available at http://www.universitasforum.org/index.php/ojs/article/view/707/798

Mackinnon Shauna和Jim Silver。2015年。“通过整体,相互联系的基于邻里的代际学习来解决贫困:温尼伯的塞尔基克大道的案例”。大学论坛:国际人类发展与国际合作杂志。包容性城市发展实践的特刊。可用www.universitasforum.org/


Mackinnon,Shauna。2014. “Developing a Community Based Model to Improve Labour Market Outcomes for Aboriginal People in Winnipeg”. Universitas Forum: International Journal on Human Development Practice. Special Issue on Social Protection. December 2014.

MacKinnon, Shauna 2013. “Politics of Poverty in Canada.” In社会替代方案:32(1)。

Mackinnon,Shauna和Sara Stephens,S。2010年。“参与有影响吗?通过基于社区的计划参与者的声音来衡量温尼伯内城的进度。”亚愽娱乐appJournal of Social Work:10(3)。


State of the Inner-City Report Project.”亚愽娱乐app社区发展杂志:46(2)。

Mackinnon,Shauna。2009. “Social Work Intellectuals in the Twenty-First Century: Critical Social Theory, Critical Social Work and Public Engagement.”Social Work Education:28(5)。
