
2020年参与者: Inner-City Work Study

卡伦·天鹅的面孔Karen Swanage 37 studying Criminal Justice and Psychology graduating in 2022,

I am participating in the program to gain more experience within the inner-city community. I want to gain more insight on how inner-city organizations work and the impacts they have on community and its members.

Student face Zainab KagbandaZainab Kagbanda20岁时研究刑事司法并于2022年毕业。

I am participating in the program because I am interested in investing time and energy in helping the community. I hope to learn more about what occurs within the city and how I can assist.

学生脸汉娜·德里(Hannah Derry)Hannah Derry22岁的研究政治学并期望在2021年毕业。

I want to participate in the Inner-City Work Study program because I want to learn more about community development, and apply my learning in a workplace. I want to learn about different community organizations and build contacts with community members. I hope to learn how community organizations function and work together. I study political science because I am interested in learning the politics and systems of oppression. I feel that this experience will add to my learning as I will be able to work with community members affected by these systems of oppression and hopefully work towards reconciliation.

Student face Joe Zukewich乔·祖克威奇I am completing my degree in Conflict Resolution studies this year and I am very excited! I have been involved with other initiatives and programs on campus such as the 5 days for the homeless campaign where we managed to raise over 5000 dollars for the Resource assistance for Youth (RaY). After getting involved with that community organization I wanted to continue to learn and work with other organizations, so here I am assisting the Spence Neighbourhood association!

我希望参加专业学习gram is how community organizations create change in their communities and learn more about the philosophy of community development. I want to learn how to become a more socially aware and generally more practical and helpful person for employers and for the kind people of my hometown.

学生脸凯尔西·兰伯特Kelsey Lambert(they/she) is a white settler queer woman studying in Treaty 1 territory at the University of Winnipeg. In the Inner-City Work-Study program they are looking forward to learning more about reconciliation, building positive relationships, contributing in community organizations, learning about and supporting local initiatives, and ultimately putting theory into practice in the community in a positive way.

学生脸莎拉·斯坦德(Sarah Steidl)莎拉·斯坦德(Sarah Steidl)22岁研究人权和冲突解决研究。我希望能在2021年春季毕业。我很高兴能参加该计划,因为我想在温尼伯市中心的特定背景下在和解中发挥更积极的作用并进行跨文化对话。该计划提供了一个独特的机会,可以获得在社区组织中工作的经验,该组织满足温尼伯多元化城市社区的需求。亚愽娱乐app我很高兴能与一个以土著教义为中心的组织合作,并致力于为青年提供具有文化上适当的机会。我期待着在整个计划中参与这种动手学习经验并建立新的联系。

Student face Maiah FeelyMaiah Feely23岁的心理学研究。


Student face Kaylee Furber凯莉·弗伯(Kaylee Furber)有21种研究神经科学以及城市和城市研究。


学生脸曼乔特·曼(Manjot Mann)Manjot Mann21 years old and majoring in Criminal Justice. I am expecting to graduate in spring 2021.


杰里卡·霍加斯(Jerica Hogarth)25岁的法律计划,于2024年毕业。


Student face Harold Memita哈罗德·梅米塔(Harold Memita)

I am in the Business Program at the University of Winnipeg, hoping to graduate in spring of 2021. I am a results-driven individual who takes pride in working hard in everything that I do. I am hoping to increase my knowledge of community development and actively be part of the process of reconciliation in Winnipeg’s inner-city communities.
