Nicole Sward

Urban and Inner-City Studies

Nicole SwardTitle:YU@W Participant

Nicole Sward, 20 years old, International Development Studies, graduating 2020

For years I have wanted to work in international development and travel the world combating issues like poverty and inequality. About a year ago I suddenly had an epiphany and realized that I could make the biggest impact by committing myself to working against the injustices experienced in my own community. I decided that I wanted to complement my studies in International Development with a local aspect and so the YouthUnited@Winnipeg summer program seemed perfect for me. This program stood out as it offers students the chance to learn through experience by participating in community development work rather than sitting in a classroom talking about development issues. I look forward to the opportunity to get my hands dirty and learn by working with a local organization while also getting the opportunity to give back to the community.

YouthUnited@Winnipeg will be an opportunity for me to gain valuable experience working with an organization within Winnipeg. I am hoping to learn more about how non-profit organizations and charities within the city operate as well as the impact their work is having on the community. I am hoping to learn more about how I can assist in community development work in the future and I am very excited to have the opportunity to learn through experience by working with an organization fighting for change and to learn from other students who are as passionate about community development as I am.
