
杰克·麦克唐纳(Jake MacDonald)居住计划

The Department of English is please to announce the Jake MacDonald Writer in Residence for Fall, 2021: Erín Moure


This residency will take place completely online from September 15 to December 15, 2021.

埃里哀悼加拿大是一个非常知名的诗人,ess吗ayist, and translator. Please see her more detialed bio below.

该居住权将有两个令人兴奋的在线活动,这些活动将免费为预注册的观众开放。埃里恩(Erín)的就职阅读将于9月或10月初举行,她将在她的任期后期参加杰克·麦克唐纳(Jake MacDonald)国际作家的谈话。Watch this space for the exact dates and the links to pre-register for these two events.



Those in the U Winnipeg community can make an appointment with Erín to talk on Zoom about your work. Erín's email ise.moure@uwinnipeg.ca

Erín is a poet and a translator of poetry, who's also written unconventional essays (我心爱的下注)和回忆录,但她会与您谈论您任何语言的任何创意写作或翻译。


Just send, one week before you want to meet, max 5 pages in Word (preferred) for her to read for your initial discussion: pick something you want feedback on or have concerns about!


Bio: Erín Moure已经出版了四十本诗歌,论文,回忆录以及翻译以及法语,西班牙,加利西亚语和葡萄牙语的翻译和翻译。最近的作品是Planetary Noise: Selected Poetry of Erín Moure(Wesleyan, 2017),Sitting Shiva on Minto Avenue, by Toots(New Star,2017年),翻译成威尔逊·布埃诺(Wilson Bueno)的Portuñol的翻译Paraguayan Sea(夜艇,2017年,最佳翻译奖的决赛入围者),并重新发行Furious(总督1988年诗歌奖,Anansi 2018)。2019年看到了加利西亚诗人卢佩·戈麦斯的翻译,Camouflage(Circumference Books, finalist for a Best Translated Book award); a co-traduction with Roman Ivashkiv of Yuri Izdryk,Smokes(Lost Horse Press) from Ukrainian;In Leaf, a new annotated edition of her 2016 translation ofNew Leavesby Rosalía de Castro; and her ownThe Elements(Anansi). 2020 saw three translations: from the Galician of Uxío Novoneyra,The Uplands: Book of the Courel and other poems(Veliz Books), a sequence from Spanish by Juan Gelman,Sleepless Nights Under Capitalism(Eulalia Books); and Quebec poet Chantal Neveu’sThis Radiant Life(Book*hug). In 2021:Toots fait la Shiva, avenue Minto(Le Noroît, 2021, tr. Colette St-Hilaire fromSitting Shiva on Minto Avenue, by Toots,New Star 2017). Moure holds two honorary doctorates from universities in Canada and Spain, was 2017 WPR Creative Fellow at the Woodberry Poetry Room at Harvard University, 2019 international translator in residence at The Queen’s College, Oxford University, a Kelly Writers House Fellow in March 2020 at UPenn, and gave the Leslie Scalapino Memorial Lecture in Innovative Poetics at Naropa University in 2021. For more information, seehttps://erinmoure.mystrikingly.com

杰克·麦克唐纳(Jake MacDonald)(照片由家庭提供)

杰克·麦克唐纳(Jake MacDonald)居住计划honours the memory of the beloved Manitoba writer Jake MacDonald, who passed away suddenly and too soon on January 30, 2020. Through the creative thinking and great generosity of Jake’s family, friends, and peers, this program makes possible the kind of work Jake believed in: mentoring emerging writers, bringing readings and other literary events to the public, and providing support for working writers to concentrate on their projects in process. Erín Moure will be the first writer to hold the Jake MacDonald residency, in 2021.

杰克·麦克唐纳(Jake MacDonald)wrote short stories, tall tales, novels, essays, newspaper and magazine articles, and books of non-fiction, and he was beginning to make his mark as a playwright as well. His best-known work is his memoir船屋编年史:盾牌国家生活的笔记, which recounts adventures from his life, especially his years spent living on a houseboat on the Winnipeg River near Minaki. That book won the prestigious national Rogers Non-Fiction Award and the Manitoba Book of the Year Award, and became a best-seller. Another popular Jake MacDonald book,Juliana and the Medicine Fish,对于年轻人来说是一本小说,但对加拿大盾构国家的自然和热爱表示同样的尊重。Juliana and the Medicine Fishis a master work of story-telling, and was made into a very fine film. Jake’s debut play,The Cottage,2019年春季在曼尼托巴剧院中心的主要舞台上首映,此后不久,杰克(Jake)荣幸地获得了温尼伯艺术委员会的Mark Mark Award。杰克·麦克唐纳(Jake MacDonald)的作亚愽国际app下载家基金会使温尼伯大学的新居留权成为可能,该基金会始于杰克(Jake)的朋友安格斯·里德(Angus Reid)的慷慨创始礼物。有关更多信息,请参阅https://news.uwinnipeg.ca/uwinnipeg-announces-the-jake-macdonald-writers-fund/
