Annual Report

As we reflect on the 2021 year, we recognize our community has continued to face the many added challenges of the pandemic. We hope that folks have stayed connected with one another and were able to access some of the programs and support out there from the many incredible community organizations.

While our team is small, I am proud of the growth of our programs delivered over the years in ensuring there are meaningful opportunities for Indigenous youth to see themselves in their program facilitators and volunteers. I look forward to engaging even more youth in the years to come.

We are grateful that the University of Winnipeg has been supportive of our efforts to meaningfully engage the community in the move from online to a few in-person programs, beginning in the summer with our Indigenous STEAM camp. It has been a balance of ensuring safety precautions are in place, reducing capacity, and building partnerships to safely host children, youth, and families on campus.

当我们look ahead to 2022, we remain optimistic that our programming and services will be back in full swing to once again provide the needed programs and services for children, youth, and families. Please continue to check our website and social media pages for all of the latest program updates.

— Angeline Nelson, Director of Community Learning & Engagement
