


2020-21 DIS courses

Important notes about Nexus

Important notes about Zoom


For help with tech issues

Computer workstations and study carrels




Most of our classes are scheduled as hybrid online. This means that much of the course material will be available online for independent study, but some classes will be held live via video conference (e.g., Zoom). To find out the dates and times you’ll be expected to ‘attend’ live lectures and discussions, please refer to your course outline.

Live video lectures可能be recorded by the instructor and posted to Nexus for you to view if you can’t make the live class. Live discussions and student participation willneverbe recorded to maintain your privacy.


2021-22 DIS courses

Please note that this list is tentative and subject to change. Please checkWebAdvisorfor the latest edits or to register.

Fall 2021


DIS-2100-001:理论残疾(K. Hardy)[3个学分,在线混合]

DIS-2200/WGS-2264-001:残疾,性,权利(K. Hardy)[3个学分,在线混合型]


DIS-1004-001: Intro to Disability Studies II (N. LeGier) [3 credits, hybrid online]

DIS-2200/WGS-2264-002:残疾,性,权利(K. Hardy)[3个学分,亲自]

DIS/WGS-3006-001: Embodied Subjects (M. Owen) [3 credits, in person]

DIS-4001-001/WGS-3501-002/WGS-4401-002:童话,残疾和媒体(P. Greenhill)[3个学分,亲自]

Important notes about Nexus

For a regular 3 credit hour course, you should expect to be on the course Nexus page and/or in a Zoom class about 2.5 hours per week (about the same amount of time you would be in a classroom in person). You can also anticipate at least 1.5 to 3 hours of additional course work per week.


Be sure to pay attention to announcements and updates on the course Nexus page. You should adjust your Nexus profile settings and set up notifications so you don't miss anything. You will then receive emails when updates have been posted, though you cannot reply to these emails.

Please be in touch with your course instructor via Nexus or their preferred mode of communication with any questions.

Important notes about Zoom

Given that students may be talking about personal experiences during live Zoom classes, it’s our policy that faculty may record their own lectures, butnot任何讨论。如果您的讲师计划记录您的现场演讲,他们将通知您并要求您关闭视频/声音。



For more information about privacy, please see the University’sZoom Privacy Notice.



请致电204.786.9771或发送电子邮件consectibility@uwinnipeg.cato get in touch with Accessibility Services staff.

For help with tech issues

有关于缩放讲座的疑问吗?参观学生学习技术变焦支持page, view the变焦学生指南, and check out theRemote Learning FAQ.


需要Nexus的帮助吗?参观Student Learning Technologies Nexus Support页面并阅读关系FAQs.

Find more helpful information on theRemote Teaching, Learning, and Research Huband theStudent Learning Technologies Support Site.

You can also联系Nexus支持直接为Nexus和Zoom提供帮助。

Computer workstations and study carrels

There will be computer workstations and carrels set up this term for students who need them, for example, if you have an in-person class preceded or followed immediately by a Zoom class, if you have internet connectivity issues, or if you simply need a quiet space to study. Students are able to book two sessions per week.

Students who wish to access computer workstations or study carrels must pre-book space using thisonline form.


Find more information on theOn-Campus Learning FAQpage.


由于学生正在进行作业和论文,因此写作中心将在这里提供帮助。写作中心(格雷厄姆·霍尔(Graham Hall)的3G10-3楼)正在亲自提供和在线/远程免费补习。欢迎所有部门的学生将其写作作业带到写作中心,与导师免费咨询。导师不会编辑或修复论文,而是帮助学生作家发展自己的论文技能。

Students are welcome to email supervisor Kevin Doyle to make a Zoom appointment with a tutor:rhettutor@uwinnipeg.ca

参观Writing Centre websiteor download their "What We Do“ PowerPoint [PDF]


Any other questions about DS courses and our COVID-19 response? Get in touch with our Acting Program Coordinator, Pauline Greenhill (p.greenhill@uwinnipeg.ca),或者我们部门助理,安琪拉cGillivray (ad.mcgillivray@uwinnipeg.ca).

You can also learn more about UWinnipeg’s response to COVID-19 on theUpdates and FAQs页面并阅读有关常见问题解答的答案2021年秋季/冬季2022.
