
Meet Dr. Jaime Cidro and learn more about her research and work with the MDP program

Jaime Cidro博士研究生研究学院最近与Jaime亚博网站网址 Cidro博士有关,讨论了她与土著Doulas的研究,并参与了今年夏天的研究生学习和土著夏季学者计划。




我在MDP计划中经常教的课程之一是土著研究方法。我们通过研究琳达·图希瓦·史密斯(Linda Tuhiwai Smith)等文规,了解了土著研究中的土著范式。我们还进行了一个小型研究项目,学生有机会遵循研究伦理,收集和分析数据并介绍数据。学生了解研究方法和数据收集的一些复杂性,并能够了解不同的分析工具。他们还有机会批评他们所采用的方法,并检查其方法适合在本地研究方法中的位置。


I am working with a team of strong woman scholars and practitioners to look at ways to better support Indigenous women who have to leave their communities to come to Winnipeg to give birth. In Manitoba, a group of Indigenous women (马尼托巴省原住民,助产师倡议)聚集在一起,开发了一项基于文化的综合课程。他们在温尼伯有一群妇女,目前正在与道格拉斯(Douglas)附近的妇女一起为妇女提供服务。我们正在与之合作的第二组是Nanaadawawawegimegor曼尼托巴省的原住民健康和社会秘书处。这个小组在原住民社区中进行了强烈的工作,以提供健康支持以及行为基于社区的原住民驱动的研究。亚愽娱乐app这是我们项目的两个主要合作伙伴。

We are also partnering with First Nations communities where women must travel for birth to pilot a doula based program. Expectant women will be supported by a trained doula in the community for pre and post-natal periods. While she comes to Winnipeg to deliver her baby, she will receive support from an Indigenous doula in the city. What we want to measure is whether having a doula had any impact on how she felt not only about her delivery, but about her pregnancy and after the baby arrives. We will be measuring for things like prenatal anxiety, postpartum depression, breastfeeding uptake and resiliency. We think that when women are better supported in a culturally based manner that they will have an overall better experience. This experience will transcend to her child, family and community. At the very essence, we want to support communities as they recover their community based knowledge around pregnancy, birthing and parenting. The first community we are working with is Cross Lake, and we expect to be working with two to three more communities over the next five years.



The project is just getting started, so we anticipate we will have a whole range of masters and PhD students working on this project through all stages, including data collection, analysis, and other support. Ari Phanlouvong, a MDP graduate student, will be doing a major research paper and collecting primary data in the communities. We also have a PhD student from the University of Minneapolis starting this June, who will talk to the Winnipeg based doulas about their first experiences providing service.


Our ISSP student, Ali Fontaine, will be helping our PhD student interview the Indigenous doulas on their experiences this past year. She will learn how to code and analyze the data. She will also be assisting us with developing the interview guides for our first project in Cross Lake, with a particular focus on cultural experiences. We anticipate that we should be able to produce some publications out of this project and it will be a good way to get the larger projects off the ground once we know about the experiences of the Indigenous doulas in the city.

