

UniCity: A Bold Experiment in Democracy

独立论文全面收集研究酒吧吗lished by the Institute of Urban Studies regarding the municipal amalgamation of Greater Winnipeg. The collection also includes two reports produced by the provincial government for the background context they provide. Short abstracts are provided by Robert Galston for many of the atricles in this collection.

Provisional Plan for Local Government Units in the Greater Winnipeg Area. Local Government Boundaries Commission, 1970.

This report was produced by the Manitoba Boundary Commission as a provisional plan for the Greater Winnipeg area’s municipal boundaries over the years 1970-1990, and was intended to act as a means to create discussion and reaction. It outlines the structure of municipal government in the Greater Winnipeg area, current and prospective issues, and alternatives available to municipal government and school boards. It applies guidelines and criteria for both these alternatives and the commission’s recommendations. The commission concludes that the urban issues and government dysfunctions of the current two-tiered system are minimal compared to those in larger urban centres, and that a radical change to the local political structure is unnecessary. Instead, it recommends that the two-tiered system of government continue in the region, with a metropolitan government and nine city governments within this metro region. These nine cities would be created out of the twelve existing municipalities, through a few minor boundary alignments and amalgamations. Emphasis is placed on the significance of local self-governance and its ability to more effectively deal with growing urban problems. Appendices include excerpts from local and international publications that argue in favour of more localized representation, and the hazards of too much centralization of municipal government.

外部链接:Report (PDF)


这intent of this document is to explain Premier Ed Schreyer’s New Democratic government plan to create a Unicity structure in Greater Winnipeg, as a means to reform local government. There is a strong emphasis on making municipal government more representative of the citizenry. The provincial government saw the existing two-tiered system of local governments in Greater Winnipeg (the Metro government and local municipalities) as being inadequate at both addressing growing urban problems and providing services. It rejects the recommendation of the Boundary Commission paper that was published the previous year (1970) to keep a two-tiered municipal government, and instead favours total amalgamation of local governments in Greater Winnipeg into one government body. It proposes a new, unified council, that the mayor be elected by council, a new administration structure through a “council-commissioner” system, and the creation of community committees on council and resident advisory groups as a means of maintaining local representation and fostering citizen engagement. It reviews the representative ratios of the new government, and outlines the implementation of the new government, and transition that would follow.

外部链接:Report (PDF)



This is a collection of short essays on the potential workings and outcomes of the Unicity scheme then proposed by the Manitoba provincial government, and attempts to give careful consideration and critique of the scheme. Essays are written by researchers and academics from the University of Winnipeg, members of the local media and the private sector. The paper argues that amalgamation into a regional government will have both positive and negative effects. Generally, the provision of equitable levels of services and effective planning for the entire region are viewed positively, while the potential for Unicity to become too unwieldy and too under-representative of marginalized communities is seen as a cause for concern. An additional criticism that arises from these essays, is that partisan politics will become more firmly rooted at the municipal level in Winnipeg, on account of Unicity’s proposed parliamentary-style city council. The test of Unicity, therefore, is the degree to which the proposed community committees and ward representation are able to flourish. The editor concludes by saying that the Unicity has the potential to be a framework for a new, more democratic style of politics through greater citizen engagement. This end must be actively pursued, he writes, otherwise the new framework will be governed by the same old politics that characterized Greater Winnipeg in recent years.

Book (PDF)



Report (PDF)

这Future City Report No. 2: The Politics of Innovation, 1972.

Axworthy, T.

This is a chronological narrative of the events that led to the Unicity scheme coming to fruition. It reviews the history of local government in the Greater Winnipeg region, focusing especially on the creation of the Metropolitan (Metro) government in 1960, the conflicts that emerged between Metro and the City of Winnipeg, and the various attempts at (and studies of) municipal reform leading up to the provincial government’s Unicity proposal. Finally, it outlines the political process that occurred at the local and provincial level, which led to the proposal and the adoption of Bill 36, the Unicity Act, in 1972. Local political culture and popular attitudes toward municipal government are examined in this narrative. The paper also examines how Unicity relates more broadly to the issue of reform and change in government institutions, looking at the history of urban reform in British and North American cities, and the theories of reform and innovation in urban governance. It utilizes a systems approach to looking at politics and urban change: social, economic, and political factors, and how movements for change in municipal governance are initiated, emerge, and adopted.

Book (PDF)

Unicity: The Transition Future City Series, No. 4., 1974.


本文综述了尤尼克公司的头两年ity system, examining the implementation of the system and its preliminary impact and effectiveness in Greater Winnipeg. More broadly, it looks at the effectiveness of institutional reform as a tool for change, and a catalyst for increased citizen participation in local government. A significant portion of this report is a performance overview of various components of local government under the new Unicity structure: council, administration, community committees, and resident advisory groups. It looks at how the new government handled emergent planning issues in Winnipeg, particularly major downtown developments, and how the new council voted on policy issues. It compares planning and policy-making of the Unicity years to those of the Metro government era (1960-71). Finally, it provides analysis and recommendations. The paper argues that Unicity introduced a number of improvements and innovations, but the change did not adequately address the basic problems of urban governance in Winnipeg, particularly a lack of citizen engagement, and a lack of cogent, long-term approach to neighbourhood and social planning. The report found that reorganizing the regional system of governance was a worthwhile endeavor, but that this does not necessarily lead to better regional governing practices. Moreover, the impact of Unicity is secondary to the impacts federal and provincial government on the Greater Winnipeg region. It concludes by saying that further political and administrative reforms are necessary to have citizens be more engaged, and for local government to be more responsive to the community.

Report (PDF

A Test for Institutional Innovation: Winnipeg’s Unicity, 1974.

Axworthy,L。,,,,Lightbody, J., Pawluk, L., Sherba, C.

这篇简短的论文广泛地看着温尼伯在统一之后的几年中的政治格局及其对选举政治,公民参与,计划和行政管理的影响。这re is a brief historical background of Winnipeg’s political culture and public attitudes toward municipal government, Winnipeg’s economic position, the creation of Metro government, and the various proposals for municipal reform leading up to the implementation of Unicity in 1972. It looks for changes in the civic political structure by examining parties and coalitions, election results, and voter turnouts. While suburban interests quickly came to dominate Winnipeg politics after the formation of Unicity, the new structure had clearly made taxation more equitable by raising property tax mill rates in former suburban municipalities to rates comparable to those in the central city. The paper finds that the new Unicity government’s Resident Advisory Groups were becoming increasingly marginalized by council, in spite of showing some signs of being an effective and useful part of the planning and governing process. Unicity created increased efficiency in the area of downtown planning, though this raised the concern that not enough long-term planning and careful consideration of development proposals occur. Regional planning, meanwhile, continued to be met by conflict and opposition from the new Unicity government. This paper also raises concerns over what seemed to be a growing concentration of power at the administrative level, and a lack of local control when it comes to the provision of services.


Unicity: The Transition (short version), 1975.






这是劳埃德·阿克斯沃西(Lloyd Axworthy)博士于1976年向区域政府研讨会发表的讲话的转录。从行政和民主的角度来看,它坦率地回顾了一些统一的结果。Axworthy特别关注居民咨询小组(RAGS)的最初意图是一种更强大和分散的政治代表形式。破布很快发现自己没有充分提供城市或省的必要资源,并且与决策过程无关,并且在很大程度上无关紧要。In looking at the political structure, this speech discusses how Unicity was seen as an attempt at creating a parliamentary system at the municipal level, and how the popular Winnipeg mayor Stephen Juba successfully fought for a directly-elected mayor.它还研究了统一性如何在温尼伯政治中对郊区房主的利益产生进一步的统治地位。尽管是旨在改革的行为,但Axworthy表明,理事会的一般政治态度缺乏改革。单一结构的财务利益,包括合并城市在债券市场中的更好地位以及更公平的税收水平,也得到了强调。


这Best Laid Plans Oft Go Astray: The Case of Winnipeg, 1978.



Evaluating Winnipeg's Unicity Government: Past Effort and Present Challenges, 1984.


Report (PDF)

评估温尼伯的统一性:公民参与和居民咨询小组,1971- 1984年,1984年。

威奇恩,P H.

Report (PDF)


Wichern, P.H.



统一状态 - 25年后:会议诉讼(1997年10月3日至4日)。



IUS新闻通讯。1971 - 72年

1971 - 1972年,IUS发表了11期,其新闻通讯称为“城市问题”。这些新闻通讯包含有关IUS工作的简短更新,并且通常包含与Unicity相关的信息。

城市问题卷。1, No. 6 (April 1972)新闻通讯(PDF)
城市问题卷。1, No. 4 (February 1972)新闻通讯(PDF)
