23 March 2020

The Centre for Transnational Mennonite Studies at the University of Winnipeg is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Ben Nobbs-Thiessen as the new Chair in Mennonite Studies, effective July 1, 2020. Ben, who was born and raised in Port Coquitlam, BC, holds a BA and MA in history from the University of British Columbia, a PhD in history from Emory University, and has held post-doctoral fellowships at the Arizona State University and Washington State University. His MA thesis focused on MCC’s work in Paraguay in the 1950s, his PhD on Mennonite settlers in eastern Bolivia, and his post-doctoral work on Mennonite migrants from Mexico in Texas and Ontario. Ben’s new book,Landscape of Migration: Mobility and Environmental Change on Bolivia’s Tropical Frontier since 1952, published by University North Carolina Press, is scheduled for release this April. Ben will teach ‘Latin America and the Mennonites’ this fall and ‘Mennonite Studies II’ in the winter term. Ben is married to Karen Nobbs-Thiessen and father to Avery, 4, and Dylan, 2. Ben replaces Royden Loewen who retires on June 30, 2020.

Issued by Royden Loewen, Chair in Mennonite Studies, University of Winnipeg

In Memoriam

Dr. Harry Loewen: 1930-2015.

在与癌症进行了长时间的斗争之后,Mennonite研究的第一任主席Harry Loewen博士(名誉教授)(名誉教授)于9月16日在不列颠哥伦比亚省的Kelowna去世。洛文(Loewen)于1930年出生于苏联,在第二次世界大战后以难民的身份来到加拿大,并过着服役和奖学金的生活,直到他去世。他于1978 - 199亚愽国际app下载6年担任温尼伯大学的历史教授和门诺派研究主席。他是《门诺派研究杂志》的创始编辑,在该领域组织了年度研讨会,并在他的杰出学术生涯中在北美和南美的教育机构以及欧洲的教育机构讲授。Loewen是一位出色的德语,俄罗斯和门诺派文学和历史学者,撰写并编辑了十四本书,最后一本对马丁·路德(Martin Luther)进行了漫长的研究,他在生病过程中完成了。该研究由WLU Press于今年早些时候发布,并在基洛纳的Mosaic Books举行的活动上发表。计划于10月为基洛纳的第一台门诺派教堂提供追悼会。Loewen博士在温尼伯大学留下了过去和现在的许多朋友和同事。亚愽国际app下载

Harry Loewen- 1978年
Dr. Harry Loewen just before being appointed Chair in Mennonite Studies in 1978.
哈利罗文- 2013
Dr. Harry Loewen near the date of receiving his Historical Research Award from the Mennonite Historical Society of Canada in 2013.

Reflection by Royden Loewen, Chair in Mennonite Studies, University of Winnipeg

Harry Loewen(1930-2015),Mennonite研究的创始主席,众多书籍的作者,我们许多人的一位心爱的同事,以及Gertrude,父亲和祖父的挚爱丈夫。哈利在他的一生中取得了很多成就,但更重要的是,他是许多年轻学者的灵感,是老师,出版者和作家数十年来。他的知名度和学术观众的能力非常出色。和他的寡妇母亲。他还谈到了更现代的主题,例如门诺派文学,以及他的收藏的门诺派身份,“为什么我是门诺派”。哈利以许多其他方式表现出了对奖学金的承诺:作为门诺派研究的创始主席(1978-1995),他开创了在公共场所教授门诺派历史的想法,也是《门诺派研究杂志》的创始编辑(1983-19955)他还开创了加拿大门诺派学者的平台,以参与宝贵的学术话语。哈利一直是一位友好而引人入胜的学者。也许最重要的是,他一直是跟随他的一代人的灵感。

Global study examines life in seven Mennonite communities

UWinnipeg study to focus on relationships to land and food production

Posted on: 06/26/13| Author: Communications


The University of Winnipeg’s Dr. Royden Loewen is leading an international study which will see seven graduate students live in Mennonite villages in Java, Siberia, Bolivia, Zimbabwe, the Netherlands, Kansas and Manitoba for four months to conduct oral histories and gather ethnographic research. Loewen, History professor and Chair of UWinnipeg’s Mennonite Studies program, has received a $239,000 grant from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) to support the project which begins this fall.


“It is very exciting to contribute to a global discussion on something as relevant as food production and relationships with the land,” said Loewen, whose team of graduate students will speak the language of their host community. “This is a very contemporary issue, as seen through the lens of history, and to have the opportunity to document these Mennonite case studies is very fulfilling.”


Preparing for a drive from Old Colony Mennonite ‘horse and buggy’ community near the Argentine border in Bolivia, August 2009


“桑nnipeg faculty continue to have great success in undertaking significant research that is international in scope, and gives students a leading role in being part of innovative work, in this case, that will give us a better understanding of Mennonite communities worldwide,” said Dr. Jino Distasio, Associate Vice-President, Research and Innovation, UWinnipeg.

Distasio noted that faculty members are successfully pursuing research grants at an accelerated rate, bringing new funds to campus. Research dollars are up from $4.4 million to $7.1 million in the last five years. That is a 60% increase in external research funding flowing through UWinnipeg.

Since 1978,Mennonite Studies has been offered at UWinnipegas an interdisciplinary program that combines studies in history, religion, culture, and literature as they relate to Mennonites.

温尼伯大学传播官黛安·波林(Diane Poulin)亚愽国际app下载
P: 204.988.7135,



Susie Fisher and Sean Patterson

Susie Fisher and Sean Patterson meet in the office of the Chair in Mennonite Studies at the University of Winnipeg on October 3 to receive news of their fellowship awards.

温尼伯大学的两名研究生门诺派研究奖学金的接受者已宣布。亚愽国际app下载接收者是苏西·费舍尔·斯托兹(Susie Fisher Stoesz),博士生,也是D.F.的获得者。普莱特(Plett)的研究生奖学金价值15,000美元,而艺术专业硕士肖恩·帕特森(Sean Patterson)也是C.P.的冠军。Loewen研究生奖学金价值12,500美元。两位学生都在计划在温尼伯大学激动人心的新研究,并有望为旧故事提供新的启示。亚愽国际app下载

Fisher Stoesz, an incoming Doctoral student, plans to focus on an inter-generational history of southern Manitoba families. She will describe their moves from farm village in southern Manitoba, to the nearby towns of Altona and Winkler, and then onto Winnipeg. Especially new is her focus on “emotional history,” a subject matter Mennonite historians usually shy from addressing. Fisher Stoesz will consider such feelings as fear, joy, love, nostalgia, embarrassment and anger and see how they were expressed during trying times of relocation. She will also investigate which emotions Mennonites valued and which ones they disparaged, and how these emotions affected social relations . She will base her research on German and English language newspapers, memoirs and letter collections, and oral history.

帕特森(Patterson)是一名接近他计划结束的硕士学生,正在提出一个古老的问题,这是乌克兰激进分子领导人内斯特·马克诺(Nestor Machno),他在俄罗斯革命期间对门诺人进行了恐怖袭击。与较早的Machno研究不同,Patterson将比较和对比Mannonite和乌克兰人对Machno的看法。门诺人在看到一个不守规矩和破布的恐怖分子团队的地方,乌克兰人以民族主义军队的领导人来到艾滋病。帕特森(Patterson)将检查时代或战争和动荡如何导致截然不同的历史叙事,具体取决于人们找到自己的战斗。他将基于Mennonites写给德语报纸的信以及包括Machno本人在内的乌克兰民族主义者的回忆录。
